
Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Allah and his rasool 

Verily Allah is very kind and merciful to human beings. (2/143)-He is merciful to the Muslims. (Momin). (33/43)This ayat establishes that the Prophet is most kind and MERCIFUL.9/128

Allah is the Protector of those who Believe. (2/257)Our (real) friends are Allah, His Apostle and those who believe. (5/55) In the former Ayat, Allah alone is the friend WALI  but in the latter ayat. it is established that Allah together with His Prophet and the Believers are friends/WALI.

And Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path.” (24/46)And certainly you (O Prophet) show the straight path’. (42/52)In the first of these two ayat, Allah is the Guide onto the Straight Path and in the second the Prophet is the GUIDE .

Allah is the Friend of those who believe, He leads them from the depths of darkness into light. (2/257). A Book which we have revealed to you, in order that you Might lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light.” (14/1)From one Aayat. Allah to be bringing out from darkness to light and in second Aayat Huzoor is to be confirming to bring out from DARKNESS TO LIGHT.

-Certainly all honour belongs to Allah! (4/139)-And honour belongs to Allah, and His Messenger and to the Believers”. (63/8)The first Ayat asserts that all dignity (HONOUR) belongs to Allah and the second confirms that dignity belongs to Allah, the Prophet and the Believers.

-But Allah purifies whom He pleases. (24/21)And he (the Prophet) purifies them. (2/129)The first ayat states that Allah is the (PURIFIER) while the second states that the Prophet is the Purifier.

both Allah and His Prophet are granters .9/59If only they had been content with what Allah and His Apostle gave them, and had said. Allah is sufficient for us’ Allah and His Apostle will soon give us from His bounty.  (9/59) both Allah and His Prophet are GRANTERS. The words Inni (he gave) and Yaowni (he gives) are attributes referring to Allah, as well as, the Prophet ﷺ.

both Allah and the Prophet grant wealth.9/74This revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which Allah and His Apostle had ENRICHED them.” (9/74)both Allah and the Prophet grant wealth. In this context the word (Agni) is reflexive, referring to both Allah and the Prophet ﷺ.

Allah and the Prophetv bestow favour (Reward).33/37On whom Allah bestowed favour and on whom you (O Prophet) Has bestowed favour. (33/37) This Ayat confirms that Allah and the Prophet bestow FAVOUR (Reward).

Ilm without adab is waste.

Ilm with out amal is like playing with deen (astaqfirullah)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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