Dua-Niyyat Sins

Dua, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Iqlas=no riya/show off +no sight on good deeds/people/nafs (NO I/MYSELF) +ONLY FOR ALLAH

Talim/khidmat is not niyyat its shauq/interest/eagerness and niyyat is for the pleasure of Allah and working as a servant of rasoolAllahﷺ .

Those without marifat/iqlas e niyyat ritual acts of worship become routine.

Iqlas (no duniya /I except allah)

1.for the pleasure of allah

2.start with bismillah

3.applying sunnat  e rasool ﷺ(To be a true servant of  the prophet)

4.tawajuhillah (eyes fixed on allah not on duniya)

5.person should not recognise his own iklas (itself is riya)

For example

Secret of life =ignore people/creation, keep sight on allah

what ever is done for the sake of allah is ibadat and what ever is done for the sake of nafs is riya (show off)

keep the intention for shahadat/martyrdom you will be rewarded even if don’t get martyred in allah’s way.

Setting out for earning halaal money

To work for the deen(kidmate deen)

To spread word of haqq/truth.


Sin=stop at the initial stage( ie thought, when it arises)


When repenting of a sin, say- Astagh Ferullah – I seek the forgiveness of Allah(astaqfirullah or astaqfiruka ya allah or Astaghfirullah Rabbi min Qulli Zambyu Wa Aatubu Ilaih)

And, (O Beloved,) if they, having wronged their souls, had come to you imploring the forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) had also asked forgiveness for them, then (owing to this mediation and intercession) they would certainly have found Allah Most Relenting, Ever-Merciful.4/64

SHAITAN WORKS —–1.by inducing heedlessness/ghaflat –be alert when you do prayers/work.2.by inducing hawa/passion-be satisfied with what allah swt gave and be thankfull.3.by inducing anger-recite tawooz ,drink water ,sit down or sleep,walk out of the place.4. obstructs you from doing acts of obedience .He commands you to show off/ arrogance and pride in your heart .do deeds for allah and his rasool’s pleasure not for anything else.keep reading quran regularly.

When starting to do something, say Bismillah – In the name of Allah  (if you don’t know any dua ,atleast say bismillah and start) 

When intending to do something, say In sha-Allah – If Allah wills

When something is being praised, say Subhan-Allah – All praise due to Allah

Dua to become appreciative-Allahumma inni ala Zikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatik

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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