
Dua, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Dua is held betweeen earth and skies until you don’t send blessings and salaam on rasoolallah

Dua never gets accepted on our efforts (khush o khuzu) it reaches to allah because of  darood o salaam

When allah sends darood it means praising rasoolallah and elevating his status .rasoolallah is rahmatul lil alameen.

Allah sends darood on those who send darood on rasoolallah meaning allah sends mercy/rahmat (accepting his dua)

Allah sends salaam on him who sends salaam on the prophet meaning giving protection/salamati

Rahmat+protection =dua is accepted

Rasoolallah himself will answer the salaam of his ummati .rasoolallah is alive and death is just zyka/taste or say transfer.

With darood =you gain sawaab/reward(meaning ajar=10 sins are erased+10 stations are elevated+10 rewards are added)

With salaam=you get jawaab/answer (meaning mohabbat/nisbat)

Darood is meantioned once and salaam is mentioned 2 times

Darood gives ajar/reward +darjaat+forgiveness

Salaam gives nisbat +mohabbat+jawaab/answer from rasoolallah+spiritual relationship

Asking help through=zikr+shukr+sabr+salat

Loving means following sunnah +purification of nafs/lower spirit and soul/higher spirit

Don’t be happy with your amal/deeds .

Keep reciting Darood o salaam it will act as saviour(with love and respect)

Darood o salaam opens doors of mercy .

Taqwa(is in heart)= those hearts which are full of adab/respect for rasoolallah are chosen for taqwa.

Zaat e Mustapha is greater than kaaba.

Kaaba is less virtuous than mard e momin’s status.

Momin =shukr when rewarded and sabr when not rewarded

Mard e momin (wants allah nothing else) distributes rewarded things

Amr/command(belief) is greater than daleel/proof

Knowledge of Shariat/law makes aqidah  strong

Tariqat makes amal/deeds saleh(deeds protect the aqidah)

Baith gives spiritual enlightment (people are selected for marifat e elahi)

Profitable knowledge =gives marifat of allah

Total Treasure =quranic ayat+names of allah

The names and the attributes of god have no end

In dua/supplication we ask that which is in our knowledge and your request is granted  but with asma ul husna total treasure is opened.

Solving problems= call him by his siffats/attributes +abdundance of darood o salaam

Asking help through=zikr+shukr+sabr+salat

Ilm with adab and ibadat with love.

People/ahl e mohabbat blindly obey allah

Ahkam/orders of sharia=to discipline yourself

Itaat/ibadat=purification of self.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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