Arif-Secondary Cause

Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Sufi secrets 5

Don’t rely on your good work/deeds but rely on Allah alone .trust in god is far greater than your deeds. deeds must be done to please Allah .deeds must have spiritual feelings (devotion) 

Secondary cause are good works, hope of paradise etc prime aim is to seek Allah’s pleasure .perfect selflessness is important than secondary causes.

The whole of salvation consists in the effacement of all secondary causes, all phenomena, through the rapture which results from vision of God.

Reliance on secondary causes -brings back to the world of phenomena whereby veiled from God.

Find a middle way between pure exotericism and pure esotericism.

Whoever regards any act as his own act and attributes it to himself is far from God.

Sole motto is god not karamat/deeds/illusions/experiences etc etc

Gnosis is concerned with the divine attributes, and God Himself reveals the knowledge of these to His saints who contemplate Him.

Contemplation(attributes) of god is far greater than desiring paradise .dont keep in your heart love of this world .

Gnostics are not themselves, and do not subsist through themselves, but so far as they subsist, they subsist through God.

The gnostic contemplates the attributes of God, not His essence.

The cardinal attribute of God is unity, and the divine unity is the first and last principle of gnosis.

The Muslim means that God is unique in His essence, qualities, and acts; that He is absolutely unlike all other beings.

The Sufi means that God is the One Real Being which underlies all phenomena. God is the eternal Beauty, and it lies in the nature of beauty to desire love.


“The unique Substance, viewed as absolute and void of all phenomena, all limitations and all multiplicity, is the Real (al-Haqq). On the other hand, viewed in His aspect of multiplicity and plurality, under which He displays Himself when clothed with phenomena, He is the whole created universe. Therefore the universe is the outward visible expression of the Real, and the Real is the inner unseen reality of the universe. The universe before it was evolved to outward view was identical with the Real; and the Real after this evolution is identical with the universe.”

Phenomena, derive a contingent existence from the qualities of Absolute Being by which they are irradiated.

Man is the crown and final cause of the universe. Though last in the order of creation he is first in the process of divine thought (primal Intelligence or universal Reason)

Muhammed(saws) is called the Light of God, he existed before the creation of the world, he is adored as the source of all life, actual and possible, he is the Perfect Man in whom all the divine attributes are manifested, and a Sufi tradition ascribes to him the saying, “He that hath seen me hath seen Allah.”

Not to become like God or personally to participate in the divine nature is the Sufi’s aim, but to escape from the bondage of his unreal selfhood and thereby to be reunited with the One infinite Being.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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