Arif-Man Woman

Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Man and Woman

In the mineral and vegetable kingdoms sex is in a state of evolution

The highest manifestation of male and female is man and woman.

Man being the first aspect of manifestation, is the more spiritual and nearer to God;

Man’s natural tendency is towards God,

Man needs woman to direct his life, both being incomplete in themselves

Man has more strength and power;

most desirable is that man gives her freedom

Polygamy may be natural to man,

Absolute renunciation is as undesirable -The ideal life is detached interest in the world.

Love and wisdom create harmony between man and woman;


Woman being the next manifestation, is finer and more capable of divine knowledge.

woman’s tendency is towards the world.

woman needs man for her guidance and protection, both being incomplete in themselves.

The fineness of woman needs protection (eyelids protect sensitive eye).

She appreciates freedom by making the best use of it.

Best woman- a good wife and a kind mother.

monogamy to woman

Woman is a mystery within herself, owing to her subtle nature.

A child inherits more attributes from its mother than from its father.

sAbsolute renunciation is as undesirable -The ideal life is detached interest in the world.

Love and wisdom create harmony between man and woman;

If she has knowledge she can train the soul of her child even before its birth by the power of her concentration.


Intellect is the knowledge obtained by experience of names and forms. The light of intellect enables one to see the external world.

Wisdom is the knowledge from divine mercy which manifests only from the inner being. The light of wisdom enables one to see into the internal world.

Wisdom is greater and more difficult to attain than intellect, piety, or spirituality.


Man forms his future by his actions. His every good or bad action spreads its vibrations and becomes known throughout the universe.

The universe is like a dome: it vibrates to that which you say in it, and echoes the same back to you.

The more spiritual a man is, the stronger and clearer are the vibrations of his actions, which spread over the world and weave his future.

So also is the law of action: we reap what we sow. The most essential rule is not to do to others that which you would not have done to you. That action is desirable which results from kindness.

Sufi’s is the master, who prescribes principles for himself. To be the master, one must first be the servant.


Music is called Ghiza-i-ruh, the food of the soul. Music being the most divine art elevates the soul to the higher spirit. Music itself being unseen soon reaches the unseen.It creates harmony in both worlds and brings eternal peace.Real music is known only to the most gifted ones.

Music: induces motion of the body (artistic)–appeals to the intellect (scientific)–creates feelings (emotional)–heard in vision (inspirational)—music in the abstract (celestial)

Ecstasy /Wajad

Sign of spiritual development and also the opening for all inspirations and powers. State of eternal peace, which purifies from all sins. Most advanced Sufis can experience Wajad.

 Wajad is linked with emotions of love, fear, desire, repentance, etc. Produces a rhythmic motion of the body Or creates  a thrilling sensation of the body, tears and sighs Or creates an exalted state in the physical and mental body Or  creates perfect calm and peace.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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