
Ahklaq, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Always belive in all the tenants of islam(quran)

Nature of the human =kindness/softness of the heart

Islam is about equality,social justice ,integration and love/caring

Good ahklaq =people trust you ,love to meet you ,love to share their problems,feel comfortable with you with respect to life and wealth (hand and tongue)

Mercifull people are covered with mercy of allah(mercy decends on merciful hearts)

Stone hearted people are punished because they are arrogant/jealous (hardness of heart).

Narrow mindedness creates problems –problems creates enemity- enemity creates violence.

Work for humanity=good human

Justice is religion (shirk/worshiping other than allah is a greatest zulm / oppression)

Behavior must be based on justice/adl (haqq/truth)

Peace and security is foundation of islam /deen

Any deed is against peace=no islam

Islam/submission is from slam (peace and security)

Faith based on peace(inside/outside) =iman

Heart/mind (self ) =providing peace to humanity

Peace =unites relationship and anger=disunites relationship

Anger =disunites relationship with allah and his creation

Humility =unites with allah and his creation

Humans =adl +fazal  and zulm/oppression

Allah never does zulm/oppression .humans do zulm /oppression on their own souls by commiting shirk and sins.   

Shirk /partnership  in worshipping /names/attributes (uluviyat/rubbiyat/asma wa siffats)

Shirk is a zulm /oppression  on self

Tauba/astaqfar  is a hidayat/guidance and steadfastness on iman/good deeds is fazal from Allah.

Spiritually men and women are equal (male/mard)

Allah will not punish anyone more than what they can withstand  and only what they deserve.

Adl/justice  is for everyone /entire creation (good/bad)

Fazal for selected/lovable creations of Allah

Fazal is higher than adl/justice

Always seek fazal/mercy from allah and shafaat from rasoolallahﷺ don’t boost your deeds/amaal

Fakir =seekers of allah not duniya

People appreciation is limited and Allah’s appreciation is unlimited (always do it to please allah)

Heart must be sakhi/generous (no self interest)

Sakhi/generous =living for others

Jannat is for openhearted people(generous /sakhi)

Peace full heart =full of love and seekers of allah’s raza/pleasure (mureed’s of awliya allah/sufi shaiks)

Love settles in a peace full heart.

Adawat /enemity =makes you blind with respect to goodness .

Love/mohabbat=makes you blind with respect to bad.

Practicing  humanity/insaniyat

Allah made your outside beautiful keep asking for beautifying your inner self

No nafs when dealing with people and No MYSELF/I when seeking allah. Only for pleasure of allah (no nafs/deeds in your sight).

Removal of I/Me/We gives peace.

Jannat is just 2 steps away first step on nafs  second step in jannah (hazarat ali (as))

Be happy with other’s happiness(heart)

Zalim/oppressor is a source for your jannat.praying for zaalim/oppressor is a way of saqawat.

Keep doing dua for others and no complaints (tonque)

Practicing peace and security =practicing islam.

Peacefull acceptance =iman- Peacefull practicing =islam- Peacefull behavior =ihsan

Ihsan/benevolence =husn/beauty(merciful/helpful/supportive/generosity)

Spiritual excellence is by peaceful behavior

Accomadation brings understanding (giving preference to others)

Peace with in give rise to peace full society.(don’t frightened people)

Do something which is beneficial/good for entire mankind for ex –planting trees is sadaqa etc etc

Never express/remind people about  your favours/help.

Don’t see other’s wealth and don’t see your fakha/poverty.

Don’t think what they have and don’t think what you don’t have OR if you say ,if had money/resource I would have done this will also account as if you have done it (sawaab-based on niyyat because of openheartedness)

Atleast think good for others even if you don’t do it practically

Fulfilling needs before asking  for ex-forgiving people before they ask you sorry,giving it to begger even before he ask you etc etc

Forgiving people =Allah will forgive them.

Dai=sweet words and merciful heart.

Jannati amal/deeds=feeding people+well wisher for all+speak good/kindness

Exchange gifts exchange love

Don’t wait till give and take(be first in conveying salaam and saqawat) = gives qurb/nearness of allah

Don’t expect anything from others =kareem ahklaq

You cannot keep everyone happy with money/wealth but with good words/smiling face.

Fight with the system not killing/oppressing  innocent people

Ignore bad thought at the first instance AND do good deed at the first thought itself.

Prefer giving to taking =worthy of Allah’s friendship.

Influence people towards aqidah and ahklaq.

Ahklaq covers all your ibadat.

Moderation in ahklaq/deen is loved by allah.

Allah’s status doesnot increase or decrease with our worship ,Allah wants us to be good muslims/slaves with good intention and actions

True bonding /connection with allah is by good intention and actions

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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