
Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


(In the beginning) all the people agreed upon the same Din .. Allah sent His Messengers as Bearers of good news and Warners and sent down with them the Book based on truth, so that it might judge those matters amongst the people in which they had developed differences. Then, only those very people whom the Book was given differed about it, despite the fact that the clear signs had come to them. (And they differed also) because of mere jealousy and malice amongst themselves. Then Allah, by His command, made the believers understand that matter of truth about which they had differed. ….2/213

10/99,100. And had Allah so willed, certainly all inhabitants on the earth would have believed. (When your Lord has not made them believe by force,) will you coerce the people until they become believers? And no soul has the capability to believe (on its own) without Allah’s leave. He (Allah) places the impurity of disbelief on those who do not put their reason to work (to grasp the truth).

And they say: ‘The Most Kind (Lord) has taken (angels as His) children.’ Holy is He. Nay, (the angels whom they consider His children) are but (Allah’s) esteemed servants. …21/26-27

…They follow but only (their own) assumption and conjecture, and they merely indulge in wrong guesswork.10/66

..They follow only whims and suspicions and the desires of their (ill-commanding) selves…..53/19-23

… they used to show arrogance,….37/38

And when the disbelievers see you, they just start mocking you ..….21/36

And they kept saying: Do not turn away from your gods and never abandon (the idols named as) Wadd, Suwa‘, Yaghuth, Ya‘uq and Nasr (as well). And truly, they have misled many people. So, (O my Lord,) do not increase these wrongdoers (in anything) except misguidance.’71/23-24

…. these (idols) are nothing but mere names which you and your fathers have given.15/20

And, (O man,) do not follow that of which you have no (authentic) knowledge. Indeed the ear, the eye and the heart—each of them will be questioned.17/36

…Do you dispute with me over the names (of those idols) which you (yourselves) and your ancestors have (supposedly) named and for which Allah has not sent down any authority? …’7/71

And when they commit some indecency, they say: ‘We found our ancestors on the same (way) and Allah has enjoined the same upon us.’ Say: ‘Allah does not enjoin acts of indecency. Do you say about (the Essence of) Allah such things as you do not know (even) yourselves?’7/28

….They said: ‘We found our fathers worshipping them.’ Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘Surely, you and your fathers (all) were in manifest error.’21/51-54

Certainly, they (also) become disbelievers who say: ‘Allah is the third of the three (Gods),’ …5/73

These (polytheists) merely worship the feminine objects apart from Allah, and they worship only Satan, the rebel, (Satan) on whom Allah has laid His curse…4/116

And that He alone is the Lord of Sirius (a star that was worshipped in the days of ignorance);53/49

..And that we thought that man and jinn would never tell a lie against Allah.  72/4

And that some of the men used to take shelter with some of the jinn. So they increased defiance amongst the jinn.72/6

53/19– Have you taken a look at (the goddesses) Lat and ‘Uzza?

And, according to their (heretic) concept, they (also) say: ‘These (particular) cattle and crops are prohibited. None can eat them except the one whom we wish. (And) there are (certain) cattle whose backs are forbidden (to ride). And there are (some) cattle on which these people do not pronounce the Name of Allah (at the time of slaughter. All this) amounts to fabrication against Allah.’ Soon He will punish them for (that) which they used to fabricate.6/138

And this (is also unlawful) that you learn your fortune through divining (with arrows or divide shares by such means). All these works are sins. 5/3

And indeed We raised a Messenger amongst every people (saying): ‘(O people,) worship Allah and keep away from Taghut (i.e., Satan and idol-worship).’ ….16/36

Surely, those (idols) whom you worship besides Allah are also slaves (of Allah) just like you…7/194

… Do they have feet to walk with or hands to hold with or eyes to see with or ears to hear with? 7/194

…He (Ibrahim)said: ‘Nay, this biggest (idol) of them would have done this. So ask these (very idols) if they can speak.’ …’’21/65

And (also recall) when We made an appointment with Musa (Moses) for forty nights. Then after Musa ([Moses] went into retreat), you took the calf as (your) god for worship…..2/51

And if you ask them: ‘Who has created the heavens and the earth?’ they will certainly say: ‘Allah.’ Say: ‘Well, speak up, can the idols that you worship besides Allah remove the suffering which Allah may intend to inflict upon me, or if Allah intends to grant me mercy, can they (the idols) stop that mercy (sent by Him)?’ …..39/38

….Then when (Allah) grants him some blessing from Himself, he forgets that (suffering) which he used to beseech relief from. And (then) he sets up (idols) as partners with Allah to make (others also) lose His way. 39/8

…‘Has He chosen (for Himself) daughters out of His Creation and has specified sons for you?’43/17

And they have declared the angels who are the servants of the Most Kind (Lord) to be women….43/18

And these (disbelievers) associate jinn as partners with Allah… 6/100

And (also) without knowledge (and reason), they falsely attribute sons and daughters to Allah…6/100

Have they (the disbelievers) taken gods other than Him? Say: ‘Bring your proof….21/22

This (Qur’an) is the reminder of those who are with me and (also) the reminder of those who had been before me.’ ….21/22-25

 Holy is He and far Exalted above (all) that they attribute (to Him).6/100

Then who can be a greater wrongdoer than the one who fabricates a lie against Allah or rejects His Revelations as false? …. 7/37

And ask the Messengers We sent before you whether We made any gods to be worshipped instead of the Most Kind (Lord).43/45

..And We did not send any Messenger before you, but We frequented the same revelation to him: ‘There is no God but I, so worship Me (alone).’21/22-25

There is no compulsion in Din (Religion). Surely, the guidance has been evidently distinguished from error….…2/256

And, (O Muslims,) do not abuse these (false gods) that these (polytheists) worship besides Allah, lest these people should (also, in retaliation,) revile against Allah’s Glory wrongfully due to ignorance. 6/108

Allah has not taken (to Himself) any son, nor is there any god with Him…23/91

…each god would certainly have taken (away) what he had created, and they would surely have dominated each other (and the whole universe would have undergone violence and chaos). Glorified is Allah, above all that they describe.23/91

and who said(satan): ‘I will certainly take (for myself) an appointed portion of Your servants.  I will, for sure, lead them astray, arouse in them foul aspirations and keep directing them.4/116

…‘This share is for Allah and that for our (so-called) partners.’ Then (the share) meant for their partners does not reach Allah, and that (portion) which is for Allah reaches their partners. What an evil judgment (they) are making! 6/136

…their partners have made the killing of their children appear attractive to many of the idolaters in order to ruin them, and (also) make their (leftover) religion doubtful for them. …6/136-137

You worship idols besides Allah and fabricate mere lies. Surely, those you worship instead of Allah are not masters of your sustenance.29/17

And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter constrict and recoil with disgust, and when the idols (that they worship) are mentioned apart from Allah, they rejoice all of a sudden.39/45

And they ascribe a portion of the provisions which We have given them to those (idols) whose (reality) even they themselves do not know. 16/56

…And they (the disbelievers and polytheists) ascribe daughters to Allah—Glory be to Him (He is far above that)!—and for themselves they prefer what they desire (i.e., sons). .. 16/58

And they say: ‘If the Most Kind (Lord) had intended, we would not have worshipped these (idols).’ They do not know anything about this (as well). They only tell lies out of fancy.43/15-20


And the (idols) whom you worship besides Him have no power to help you, nor can they help themselves.’… 7/198

And if you call them towards guidance, they cannot (even) hear. And you see these (idols are sculptured in such a way) as if they were looking at you, whereas they do not see (anything).7/198

And those (idols) have no consciousness of their prayer and worship.46/5

And they (disbelievers) worship besides Allah those (idols) that can neither bring them any profit, nor do them any harm. 25/55

Say: ‘Do you worship besides Allah someone that has no power to do you any harm or good?’5/76

…These idols are incapable of helping them. …36/75

… the (idols) you worship besides Allah cannot create (even) a fly…22/73

…And if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they cannot (even) recover it from that (fly)…..22/73

Surely, those (idols) whom you worship besides Allah are also slaves (of Allah) just like you…7/194

… Do they have feet to walk with or hands to hold with or eyes to see with or ears to hear with? 7/194

Have they (the disbelievers) taken gods other than Him? Say: ‘Bring your proof. This (Qur’an) is the reminder of those who are with me and (also) the reminder of those who had been before me.’ ….21/22-25

Allah is (His Self-Name) besides Whom there is no God (i.e., believe in Him alone and deny all other false gods). There are (also) many other Beautiful Names for Him (that speak of His most beautiful attributes).20/8

(Yusuf )(Say:) Are many separate gods better or One Allah, Who dominates and controls all? ….He alone has commanded that you worship none but Him. This is the straight path (true Din [Religion]), but most people do not know.12/37-40

.… Should I take such gods apart from Him (Allah) that if the Most Kind (Lord) intends to do me any harm, their intercession would not bring me any benefit, nor would they be able to rescue me? …36/20-27

10/34-36-Inquire (of them): ‘Is there any of your (so-called) partner-gods that originates creation, then restores it (after the total annihilation of life)?’…‘Is there any of your (so-called) partner-gods that may lead to the truth?’ …or he who himself does not find the way unless he is shown the way? (i.e., it should be carried from one place to the other as the disbelievers used to carry their idols as and when required.)

Surely, those (idols) whom you worship besides Allah are also slaves (of Allah) just like you… 7/194

So when you call on them, they should answer you if you are true (in making them gods). Do they have feet to walk with or hands to hold with or eyes to see with or ears to hear with? 7/194

Had there been in these two (the heaven and the earth) other gods (as well) apart from Allah, then both would have been destroyed. 21/22

And never have We destroyed any township, except that there was for them a known inscription (law, which they violated and met their fate).15/4

…. these (idols) are nothing but mere names which you and your fathers have given. Allah has not sent down any authority for them. 15/19-23

…(O polytheists!) If you call upon them (the idols), they cannot hear your call. … they cannot give you an answer…. 35/13

And the (idols) whom you worship besides Him have no power to help you, nor can they help themselves.’’7/194-198

And the (idols) whom these (polytheists) worship besides Allah cannot create anything; they have rather been created themselves. (They) are non-living, inanimate objects which do not (even) sense when the people will be raised up.16/19

(Ibrahim [Abraham]) said: ‘Then do you worship apart from Allah these (idols) which can neither bring you any benefit, nor do you any harm?12/66


….(on the Day of Resurrection)…. ‘Remain at your respective places, you and your partners (false gods).’ …10/28-29

And those (idols) have no consciousness of their prayer and worship.46/5

Honesty leads to Paradise, dishonesty leads to These idols are incapable of helping them. And these (disbelievers and polytheists) will be an army of these (idols) that will be brought (into Hell together).36/75

And it will be said to them: ‘Where are those (idols) which you used to worship, Besides Allah? Can they help you, or can they help themselves (to protect themselves from Hell)?’  So into Hell will be thrown headlong (the idols as well as) the people who lost the straight road. And all the troops of Iblis (too will be hurled into Hell). 26/92

….(on the Day of Resurrection), those (false gods) will be their enemies and will deny their worship (for their own absolution).46/6

Allah has not sent down any authority for them(idols). 15/19-23

guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is human beings (the disbelievers) and stones (their idols), prepared for disbelievers.2/23-24

……their intercession would not bring me any benefit, nor would they be able to rescue me?36/22-24

when the (angels) whom We send will come to them to take away their souls, they will say (to them): ‘Now where are those (false gods) whom you used to worship besides Allah?’ They will say (replying): ‘They are lost from us (i.e., how they can be seen now!),’ and they will bear witness (themselves) against their own souls that they were doubtlessly disbelievers.7/37

Surely, you and the (idols) you worship besides Allah (all) are the fuel of Hell. ..21/98-99

 Assemble all those who committed injustice as well as their companions and followers and those (false gods) that they used to worship,  Besides Allah. Then take them to the path of Hell….37/21

…And turning to one another, they will mutually question. They will say: ‘Surely, it is you who used to come to us from the right side (i.e., asserting on oath of being right).’ (Their misleading leaders) will say: ‘The truth is that it was you yourselves who did not believe.  Nor did we have any authority (and control) over you. But you yourselves were a rebellious people. ….So we led you astray. Surely, we ourselves had gone astray.’…37/21

…. guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is human beings (the disbelievers) and stones (their idols), prepared for disbelievers.2/23-24

Have they taken (idols as) intercessors against Allah’s leave? …39/43

Say: ‘(The leave for) all intercession rests with Allah alone (which He has specified for His intimate servants). ..39/43-44

And those (disbelievers) who have taken (idols as) helpers other than Allah … ‘We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.’39/3

….those (idols) which can neither harm nor benefit them,…. ‘These (idols) are our intercessors with Allah.’10/18

Say: ‘Do you seek to inform Allah of the (fabricated) presumption (of intercession by idols) whose (existence) He is not aware of either in the heavens or in the earth (i.e., intercession with Him by any idol is not in His knowledge)? 10/18

And Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘You have taken up the worship of idols leaving Allah merely for the sake of mutual friendship in the life of this world. …and (each) one of you will curse the other. And Hell is your abode and there will be no helper for you.29/25

Holy is He, and far Exalted above those whom they set up as (His) peers.’10/18

Holy is He, far above those that they associate with Him as partners.9/30-31

61/9- He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the Din (Religion) of truth so that He may make it dominate and prevail over all other religions, even though the idolaters may hate it much.

Then they will be left with no other excuse except that they (will) say: ‘By Allah, our Lord, we did not associate partners with Allah.’6/23


The Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary), is (nothing) but a Messenger (neither a god nor a son of God nor His partner)…5/75

… (isa ibn maryam) his mother was a paragon of truth (a saintly person). Both (were mortal creatures as they) used to eat food. …5/75

And the Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones.’ Say: ‘(If your statement is correct) then why does He punish you for your sins?’ Rather (the truth is that) from amongst all (the Creation) Allah has brought into being, you (too) are (but) human beings (i.e., just like other human species)….5/17-18

(jews and Christians)They took their priests and monks for lords besides Allah and (also) the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary), whilst in truth they had not been given (any) command except to worship (only) the One God besides Whom there is no God…9/30

That no bearer of a burden will carry the burden of (the sins) of another; …53/38-39

Holy is He, far above those that they associate with Him as partners.9/30-31

And the Jews said: ‘‘Uzayr (Ezra) is the son of Allah,’ and the Christians said: ‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.’ These are their (absurd) utterances that they voice with their mouths. ….. May Allah ruin them! 9/30

…They took their priests and monks for lords besides Allah and (also) the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary), whilst in truth they had not been given (any) command except to worship (only) the One God besides Whom there is no God.9/30

Holy is He, far above those that they associate with Him as partners.9/31

Holy is He, and far Exalted above those whom they set up as (His) peers.’10/18

Holy is He and far Exalted above (all) that they attribute (to Him).6/100

Glorified is Allah, above all that they describe.23/91

… the majority of the priests and monks (of the People of the Book) devour the wealth of people through unfair (means) and hinder from the path of Allah …9/34

And (the disbelievers) say: ‘The Most Kind (Lord) has taken (to Himself) a son.’ (O disbelievers!) You have indeed brought most horrible and unusual evil (on your tongues).19/89

And (also) without knowledge (and reason), they falsely attribute sons and daughters to Allah…6/100

And those (polytheists) have made some of His servants His component (of divinity by declaring them His children). 43/15

Allah has not taken (to Himself) any son, nor is there any god with Him. In that case, each god would certainly have taken (away) what he had created, and they would surely have dominated each other (and the whole universe would have undergone violence and chaos).…23/91

Allah has given an example of such a (slave) person that is owned by many partners who are ill-mannered and mutually quarrelsome as well. And (on the other side) there is a person who is a slave only to one master. Can they both be alike? (Not at all!) All praise belongs to Allah alone. But most of them do not know (the truth of the Oneness of Allah).39/29

And when Allah will say: ‘O ‘Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary)! Did you ask the people to take you and your mother as two gods besides Allah?’ He will submit: ‘Glory be to You! It is not (justified) for me to say such a thing as I have no right to say. Had I said it, You would surely have known it. You know every such (thing) that is in my heart, but I do not know those (things) which are in Your knowledge. Indeed, it is only You Who know well all that is unseen. I said to them nothing except (that) which You ordered me to say: Worship (only) Allah, Who is my Lord and your Lord (too). And I kept a vigilant watch over (their beliefs and actions) so long as I was amongst them. But when You lifted me up, then You alone watched over their (affairs), and You are a Witness to everything.5/116-117

The fact is simple that the Messiah, ‘Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary) is Allah’s Messenger and His Word which He conveyed to Maryam (Mary) and a Spirit from Him. ..4/71

The Messiah feels no embarrassment in being a servant of Allah. Nor do the closest angels (ever feel ashamed). And whoever disdains to be His servant and perpetrates arrogance, He will soon assemble together all such people before Him.4/172

So believe in Allah and His Messengers and do not say: ‘There are three (Gods).’ Refrain (from this belief); (that) is best for you. Verily, Allah is the Only One God, Holy is He, far above having a son. Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth (all) belongs to Him alone. And Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian.4/171

Those that they worship (i.e., they prepare sculptures and images of angels, jinn, the Prophet ‘Isa [Jesus], ‘Uzayr [Ezra] and others and worship them) look for mediation to their Lord (themselves) as to who amongst them is most intimate (in the presence of Allah). And they (themselves) hope for His mercy and fear His torment. (Now say yourselves how they can be gods. They are prostrating themselves before the True God.) …17/57

Indeed, in Ibrahim (Abraham) and his companions there is an excellent example for you (to follow), when they said to their people: ‘We are utterly weary of (and cut off from) you and the idols that you worship apart from Allah; we have openly rejected you all. The enmity, hatred and malice between us and you have become evident forever until you believe in Allah, the One.’ …60/4

….But Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) saying to his (foster) father: ‘I shall certainly pray for your forgiveness,’ (was just a promise made to him well before, which he fulfilled and gave him a reminder as well saying:) ‘I do not possess anything for you before Allah (owing to your disbelief and idol-worship.’ Then he separated from his people, praying:) ‘O our Lord, we put our trust in You alone, and we turn in repentance to You alone, and (all) have to return to You alone.60/4

 (Ibrahim [Abraham]) said: ‘Do they hear you when you call (them)?  Or do they bring you any profit or loss?’ They said: ‘(We do not know that) but we found our fathers doing the same.’ (Ibrahim [Abraham]) said: ‘Have you (ever) thought (of their reality) you worship?’ (Did) you or (any of) your forefathers (ever realize)? So (all) these (idols) are enemies to me except the Lord of all the worlds. (He is the One Who is my God.) He Who created me and He is the One Who guides me. And He is the One Who provides me with food and drink. And when I fall ill, He is the One Who cures me. And He is the One Who will cause me to die and then He alone will give me life (again), And Who, I hope, will forgive me my misdeeds on the Day of Judgment. O my Lord! Bless me with excellence in knowledge and deeds, and include me amongst those who deserve Your exceptional intimacy. And ordain for me virtuous remembrance and acceptance amongst the coming generations (too). And include me amongst the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss.26/71-85

When he said to his father (i.e., his uncle Azar who brought him up after his father Tarakh died): …….why do you worship these (idols) which cannot hear or see, nor can they remove any (troublesome) thing from you? ….No doubt there has come to me knowledge (from the divine presence of Allah) which has not come to you. …..Do not worship Satan. ……(Azar) said: …I shall certainly stone you to death. And keep away from me for a long while.’19/42-46

So when Ibrahim (Abraham, giving up all social links,) completely separated from the people and those (idols) that they worshipped apart from Allah, We blessed him with Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya‘qub (Jacob, son and grandson,) and We made each of them a Prophet.19/49

And (recall) when Ibrahim (Abraham) submitted: ‘O my Lord, make this city (Mecca) a land of peace and keep me and my children from idol-worship.  …. O our Lord! Verily, I have settled my offspring (Isma‘il [Ishmael]) in the barren valley (of Mecca) in the close vicinity of Your Sacred House, O our Lord, so that they may establish Prayer. So make the hearts of the people incline towards them with love and fondness, and provide for them (all kinds of) fruits as sustenance so that they may remain grateful.14/35-37

And Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘You have taken up the worship of idols leaving Allah merely for the sake of mutual friendship in the life of this world. …and (each) one of you will curse the other. And Hell is your abode and there will be no helper for you.29/25

Allah has not taken (to Himself) any son, nor is there any god with Him…23/91

…each god would certainly have taken (away) what he had created, and they would surely have dominated each other (and the whole universe would have undergone violence and chaos). Glorified is Allah, above all that they describe.23/91

Certainly, they (also) become disbelievers who say: ‘Allah is the third of the three (Gods),’ …5/73

And do not mix up the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth deliberately.2/42

….Say: ‘Benefit (a few days’) gain; surely, you will end up in the Fire.’14/30

It is the Day when no soul will own anything for any other soul, and the command on that Day will be entirely Allah’s.82/19

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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