
Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Tawheed and Shirk(Monotheism or Polytheism)10

(5/75, 9/30) that which was worshipped besides Allah will be the fuel of the hell fire, so does this mean that Sayyidna Isa (as), Sayyida Maryam and Uzayr will be the fuel of hell fire?

(21/98-99) the polytheists of Makkah used to worship Isa (as) however this is untrue. When Muhammad (saws) mentioned Isa (as) to the polytheists, they laughed and claimed their idols were better (mazallah/I seek shelter in Allah!)

(43/57-58) the polytheists of Makkah could have not possibly have worshipped Isa son of Maryam as they would laugh just hearing his name as they denied him. So how could they worship him if they did not believe him or give him any importance?


(5/17) christians believe that god had taken the human form as Isa (mazallah/I seek shelter in Allah!) and prayed directly to him.


(3/59, 19/88-93) We are aware that Christians believe in Isa’s divinity, however they did not worship him because he was pious, or respectable, or he showed his nation miracles. The reason they worshipped him was because of his miraculous birth.


(5/18) They only believed him to be the son of God. While this is Kufr this does not mean they worshipped him. The Jews and Christians believe they are sons of god( they believe they are all the beloved of god). they thought Sayyidnia Uzayr (as) to be the son of god; they did not worship him.


(36/78-79) they did not believe in the Hereafter. The polytheists believed that their idols would intercede for them in worldly matters. They believed that with the intercession of their idols they would defeat and destroy Islam. Allah refuted their idea by explaining how in actual fact the pious will intercede for the Muslims on the Day of Judgment.


(19/87,21/28,20/109,34/23) The pious have been granted with the power to intercede on the Day of Judgment, which proves that the verses that are discussing idols -as the Quran does not contradict itself!

(26/100) There will be no intercession available for the disbelievers on the Final Day. The disbelievers will regret their belief and life and will desire a means of intercession, though they will not receive it. However the Muslims will receive intercession.

(11/107) those who have declared that Allah is one, and that Muhammad (saws) is the final messenger of Allah will be taken out of hell through intercession and granted heaven. verse proves that some people will be taken out of hell; and surely it is the Muslims who will be taken out form hell, otherwise there is no other meaning for this verse.


(11/42)Sayyidina Nuh (as) was the wasila between Allah Almighty and his son. This example shows us that those who do not believe or accept the words of the Prophets will be those who will fall into destruction. By accepting the wasila of Sayyidina Nuh (as) even the animals were saved, this is a very clear warning for those who do not believe in wasila, as those who did not fell into destruction.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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