Islam Iman Ihsan-Iman Heart Ruh

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Functioning of nafs-heart-ruh

Nafs /lower self and ruh /higher self keep competeing for a place on the heart .if ruh takes up position on heart its called rohani/spiritual/noorani  and if nafs(black in natura) occupies the heart its called hiwani/animal instict .

Nafs wants heart to be like it and ruh wants heart to be like it.If heart becomes his ruh then allah will become his eye ears tonque hand leg etc becomes arshi /angelic.

Nafs always commands bad and against sharia

Ruh always command good and loyal to sharia

Heart is king of the body.If heart is without haya his entire sense organs will be with out haya/adab.

Lively /Ruhi heart is filled peace /salamati

Salamati /peace means no hirs /greed ,no jealousy ,no haterd ,no hasad  etc

Lively heart is happy to see allah rewarding others with name /fame /wealth /knowledge etc etc  -no jealousy

Always be razi/satisfied with what you have.

Muttaqi are awliya allah. muttaqi are those without seeing bring imaan.Persons with Qalb be saleem(raza/satisfied heart ie awliya allah) will profit others even on day of judgement.Wali/Friend means one who profit others.(Qalb e saleem )Spiritual friendship is profitable here and hereafter .

Abdals are having heart like of ibrahim(as)—1.guiding others towards good deeds +  qalb e saleem + sakhi (generousity)+ concerning good for entire ummah.

Tasawuf is not about tasbih,wazife ,wird  or extra ibadat its about 

1.salamate qalb(purification of heart) and husn e ahklaq (manners).

2. No nafs when dealing with people  and No MYSELF/I  when  seeking allah.

3. sidq(perfection) with respect to allah and good manners with respect to people

4. extra ibadat will help but wilayat is blessings  from allah rewarded for  those 1.guiding others towards good deeds +  qalb e saleem + sakhi (generousity)+ concerning good for entire ummah.

1.Dead heart

2.Lively heart  are of 2 types  1.Noor heart  2. Noor spreading heart  6/122 (Strongest ruh is that which gives noor to others  because their own nafs has turned into noor)

Noor e qalb is hayat (alive) 

zulm e qalb is maut(dead) -Shirk is zulm ie why they are dead.

3.Combination of zulm and noor =qalb  e mariz  (on /off towards noor and zulm)

If Ruh occupies heart he will improve and if nafs occupies heart he will loser

Strongest heart (ruhani heart) is that which gives noor to others  because their own nafs has turned into noor. Nafs become mutmainah because of heart is filled with sukoon/peace.

What ever heart receives from allah -Heart keeps feeding nafs and makes its ammara –luwamah-mutamainah, mardiyah

Heart keeps feeding the nafs  . now nafs is like heart and heart is like ruh  and ruh occupies sir and sir occupies khafi and khafi occupies akhfah then human becomes  angelic

Body follows heart therefore clean heart= clean zahir amal

Heart =(place)muqame iman

Heart is beautified with iman

Heart deals with relationship with allah.

Heart  is related with musabbibullah asbaab (allah).

Heart is related with creator of the cause(musabib ie allah) .

Advice /nasihat= ilm e deen + kidmat e deen  (learn from ahle sunnat wal jamaat scholars and sufi shaiks of various tariqas)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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