
Fitna, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Enjoing good is a charity and forbidding evil is a charity(best charity/sadaqa)

This ummah is favoured over other nations because of amr bil maroof nahi anil munkar (enjoing good and forbidding evil)


No nafs when dealing with people and No MYSELF/I when seeking allah.

Only for pleasure of allah (no nafs/deeds in your sight)


Must have baseerat(inner eye of certitude/yaqin)—not blindly conveying

Dai must have knowledge about shariat(law) ,tariqat(the path) ,haqiqat(the truth)

Not just fazail/importance, dai must speak about aqidah(belief)-amaal(deeds)-mamulat(affairs)

Knowledge about islam-iman-ihsan and tauheed –risalat-ahkirat

Ilm e nafe/profitable ilm =ilm of tasawwuf

Understanding /Fahm e deen (ilm/hikmat/baseerat/firasat/ilm ul ahkam/asrar etc)

1.Quran 2.Sunnah 3.Quran /sunnah and its derivatives 4.Ijma 5.Qiyas/research


Dai must be pious (not fasiq/open sinner)

Dai must be strong enough to tackle the fasiq/open sinners( work more on them)

Iklas e niyyat -Islah e nafs is very important

Convey with Hikmat/wisdom and sabr/patience

First correct himself and his family about islam-iman-ihsan and then outside

Dai must balance both deen and duniya

Change bad with good



Social/political/economics system must be corrected

Stop zulm/fasad by hand or by words or atleast feel bad in heart

Establish trust-convey essential of kull deen- resolve objections

Change zulm/oppresion with adl/justice

Best nation because enjoying what is good and forbidding what is evil(according to his ability and circumstances)

Correct tabligh/dawah=leads to secure,moral and prosperous society .

Correct tabligh/dawah =leads to spiritual,psychological and social realms of life

Correct tabligh/dawah =without it deterioration and destruction  for all (pious person as well for evil person)


1.Ibadate e ilahiﷻ 2.Ghulamane mustafaﷺ 3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra) 4.Azmat e sahaba(ra) 5.Sohbate auliya(ra)

Our deen lies between law(sharia) and spirit(marifa),

Our deen lies between intellect and love,

Our deen lies between theology and spirituality,

Our deen lies between negligence and extremisim,

Our deen lies between Hope and fear,

Our deen lies between moderation and justice.

Call towards quran/ijma/ahle baith =rope of allah

Ask people of zikr (ahle zikr ) if you don’t know

Allah gives prophet distributes is the sign of people of haq/truth.

Avoid people of bad application of quranic ayat, this is a great zulm.

Khawarij =applied quranic ayat which are specific to kuffar, framed it on muslims. 

Call people towards fitrat and stop people doing against fitrat

Don’t say that which you don’t follow

Must not support devaint and misguided groups.

Promote kull deen not just juzz/portion of deen

Save people’s iman(iman is a biggest asset)

Dai must bring dead heart lively

Quranic principle of dawah for muslims is to call towards risalat(iman) and ahkirat(ihsan)

Quranic principle of dawah for non-muslims is to call towards tauheed (islam).


“facing the Qiblah” = stands for a person who believes in all the essentials of the Islamic faith.  

Man of bid’ah= one whose beliefs are different from the Ahl as-Sunnah faith.

Propagation without the people of knowledge (prophet(saws) use to send noble,scholarly  and exegetes among his companions to teach the deen of islam to people)

They don’t teach islam-iman-ihsan (kull deen)

Iqnorant people propagate ignorance using improper methology about aqidah .

They propagate juzz/portion deen suiting their idealogy.

Bidah/misguidance in the name of Islamic groups .

Different jamaat’s appeared with each of them claiming to follow the truth.

They believe only their jamaah is on the truth.

Doesnot relay on quran and the sunnah

Keep away from so called propagators of deen (propagates juzz/portion deen or improper methology or different oreintation or propagate ignorance) in the name of quran and sunnah as a measure of safety.

Different sects were invented ,they were born in the latest centuries and they were previously non existent.however the birth of sound methodology  and the straight path was since the advent of the noble prophet(saws) and his companions were upon since he was raised as a prophet.whoever adheres to this truth and guidance is safe and secure while he who departs from them is astray.

Every jamaah lays down a system of operation with a leader they do so to disunite people.(People are in a state of dissention…)

Those sects/jamaats are known to have the correct and wrong sides but their wrongdoings are greater and should as such, be avoided.

Don’t get deceived with outward  postures which they manifest among scholars and students of knowledge.

Founders of the new jamaats assumes themselves a legislative position(in shariah) ie,they make it binding on his followers without contravention. 

Manifestation of the good aspects of islam while concealing their heretical tendencies.

They conceal  what is contained in their books .

Concealing extreme ideologies ,misguidance and excessiveness (pretext in the name of wisdom and precaution)

They misplace priorities (concealing something and manifesting another)

They defy the methodology of salaf .

Their remoteness from textual evidences and the knowledge about them.they stipulate that it should be from their famous books and not from other scholars or books.

They prevent their followers from researching and seeking the truth from other than themselves.

They centre the fundamental aspects of the deen on virtues and ideals (according to their own definitions) and reverence for the elders.

They do dawah on certain issues/points(not kull deen =islam-iman-ihsan) which is ignorance

Most of the jamaats are established on ignorance (they don’t understand like how the companions and those who followed them understood ).

Common people who know nothing about islam form the major group of these jamaats as such their dawaah is of ignorance and heresies.

Common people who form the majority of the members of this new new jamaats

Common people are recruited by the workers of this jamaats.

Common people must be handled with wisdom and teach them aqidah.

New new jamaats are innovated don’t join them because they teach you some part of deen and conceal most parts of the deen.

There is amirship of bidah in the jamaats causing dissension among common people.any jamaah that is not from the imam of the muslims is to be considered as being upon bidah.the institution of amir of shariah is meant for the overall imam of the muslims.once we could find an imam for the muslims ,such is the amir of the shariah.

Ahle sunnat wal jamaat are upon the methodlogy of the salaf of the ummah.

Hold on to the truth ie 1.which has good aqidah on which the imams of the salafus salih were upon          2.adhere strictly to quran and sunnah 3.keep away from new new jamaats.4.Teach correct knowledge and methodology (wisdom,good admonition and argument in the best manners)

Dawah must include tauhid-risalat-ahkirat (islam-iman-ihsan).

Call the common people and teach them to discover and realize the truth .


To please Allah alone

To be a true servant of  the prophet.

To work for the deen(kidmate deen)

To spread word of haqq/truth.

Living for him means following him (seerat/sunnah with love and adab) +working for his deen (tabligh e deen/calling towards quran/islam iman ihsan)

Safeguarding the deen-–1.Ibadate elahi 2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) 3.Mohabbate ahle bait 4.Azmate sahaba 5.Sohbate auliya.

TASAWUFF—-1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure) 2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah ) 3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins) 4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart) 5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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