Tibbe Nabawi(saws)-Difference
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Prophet (saws) himself used and prescribed medicine. Majority of medicine used to be a single ingredient (except for adding something for taste ). Prophetic medicine has divine elements in it. normal person cannot understand the theory /experiment/hypothesis of prophetic medicines.
Prophetic medicines are perfect and sound. helps only those who have faith in it. For example if you believe quran is shifa for all the ailments its because of the faith. Same way its faith on prophetic medicines which will cure you. faith increases with quran. prophetic medicines work fast with pure and good bodies/souls. as quran increases faith of a believer but it adds lose to a hypocrite/munafiq.
other medicines are based on experiment, hypothesis and observation. romans and Greeks use to take mixture of medicine.
Prophetic medicines increase tawakkal/reliance on allah, makes you humble ,you start giving charity and you start repentance also. Allah is the creator of illnesss and its cure. if your spiritually strong your then physically strong .
Ruqya/incantation (devine remedies-islamic supplication formulas), medicines and the preventions we seek are part of allah’s appointed destiny. First seek the medicine and then keep tawakkal/reliance on allah. medicines are means for your cure .actual healer is allah alone. disease has occurred from allah’s will. The cause,its removal and those who remove it are all part of allah’s appointed destiny.
Use both natural and divine approach for treating a disease.
1.avoiding what might cause harm
2.establishing immunity(2/184,196,4/43)
PSYCHOLOGY—- refresh the body with good scent(itr/perfume/wudh) and listen to good news. happy feelings relax the heart and fill the veins with blood. encourage the patient to get well .reliving the anxiety will bring relief to the heart. Patient must be visited by his loved ones/relatives. be kind with the patient and say inshallah you will be cured at the earliest.
DIET —Eat to gain strength and use that strength for worshipping allah.
Donot force the patients to eat and drink. allah feeds them and gives them drink. supply from allah to the patient depends on submission and humbleness/yakeen /raza before allah.
pateint must believe in the medicine and the doctor. quran benefits those who believe in its value.
sometime patients don’t like to eat and drink its because their body is fighting the illness.
Patient passes through 4 stages-beginning, intense, fading and ending of illness. eat only to gain strength and avoid things that will aggrevate the conditions.
Eat sensibly and moderately for good health(1/3 food,1/3 water and 1/3 for breathing).
Fight certain illnesses with nourishment and diet rather than with medicines.
Use single ingredient than using mixture of medicines as much as possible.Stick to regular day to day diet you will suffer less with diseases. Compound/mixture of medicines is for those whose diet is compound/mixture (like eating heavily different things at a time on regular basis)
neutralizs hot with cold ,cold with hot, dry with wet and wet with dry as a preventive measure.Like dates are hot neutralize with watermelon.
Honey and quran are best remedies for illnesses. drink honey with water on empty stomach its sunnah.
Body accepts that food which is liked by the patient.
sex involves body ,heart and soul. body gets heated up and heart acquires lust and pleasure. soul will follow the body and heart. connected to the soul is the heart and heart affects rest of the body. submit your heart before allah. true sustainance is spiritual sustenance not material sustenance.
Spend more time in treating the ills of heart and soul ie be spiritually strong by doing zikrullah. this is more important and final goal of a human.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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