“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Reminder tariqat 2(rewards)
you will be divided into three classes.
1. Those on the Right Hand(what a class the Right Hand will be)
a.Rewarded with virgin maidens (special creation reflecting beauty and refinement), b. The ardently loving (wives) of the same age. c. A large group of them will be from the earlier people. d. from later generations will (also) be a large group (amongst them).
one who will be given his record in the right hand will say (pleased): ‘Come and read my record. I firmly believed that I would find my account (easy).’69/19
easy reckoning, And will return to his family rejoicing. 84/12
(Privileged and pardoned )Right hand people=advice one another patience+tolerance+ mutual affection and mercy 90/18
whose scales of deeds in the balance will be heavy, He will be in luxury and delight.101/6
2 .Those on the Left Hand (in what miserable plight will be) They will be amid fierce, hot wind of Hell and simmering water
Left hand people will say –Alas! Would that (death) had settled my affair once and for all! Today my wealth has not been able to keep (the torment) away from me even a little. My power and domain have (also) gone from me.’69/25
who will be given his record behind his back, He will soon cry out for death. And he will enter the Blazing Fire of Hell. 84/12
whose scales of deeds in the balance will be light, His abode will be Hawiya (a pit in Hell)!101/9
3 .The Excellent (the Foremost)
a.drawn near (to Allah) b. from the earlier people c. small number (amongst them) will be from the later generations. d. Paradise packed with bounties, pleasure and delight and spiritual sustenance and comforts 56/14-42
man has been created impatient and greedy. He gets upset and worried when some hardship (or financial loss) afflicts him, But becomes miserly when he receives good fortune (or affluence), 70/20
Rewarded with 1.(Kafur is) a spring (in Paradise) that (the privileged) servants of Allah (i.e., Awliya’ Allah) will drink from, and will (also) make it flow to wherever they will desire in the form of small brooks (to make others drink of it). 2.ecstasy and delight (in their hearts) 3.Gardens (to live in) and silky clothes (to wear) 4. clad in green, fine silk and rich brocade attire, 5. they will be made to wear silver bracelets 6.their Lord will make them drink a holy beverage.76/5-22
Highest ranks in paradise =belief/iman +knowledge (sharia and marifa)58/11
High jannah =1.humble and submissive in salah/namaz 2.away from dirty/useless talks 3.purify wealth(zakat) and soul(zikr) 4.guard their private parts 5.fulfill trust and pledges/promises 6.guard their prayers 23/11
Paradise=belief/iman + repentance + correcting one self +good deeds (19/60,2/81, 4/124,18/108)
Great reward (for those who)= 1.refrain from major sins and the indecencies 2.when they feel furious, they forgive 3.establish prayer 4.their decisions are made through mutual consultations 5. they spend in Our way 6. Reforms themselves 7.fights against wrongdoers(to establish peace and justice) 8.keeps patience and forgives 42/42
Victorious and successful= 1.who is saved from the miserliness of his (ill-commanding) self 2.who don’t have enemity/spite/rancour for muslims 3.ask forgiveness for entire muslim ummah 59/10
Triumph/success—1. who is purified (from the afflictions of his ill-commanding self and pollution of sins) 2. who remembers the Name of his Lord and offers Prayers (regularly and abundantly) 87/14
Believing ,Submissive, obedient, truthful, steadfast, humble ,who fast ,who guard chastity, who does zikrullah =forgiveness and mighty reward 33/35
those who believe and whose children follow them in faith, We shall also unite their children with them (in the ranks of Paradise even if their actions would not fall in that grade. It would be in the honour of their pious fathers).52/21
Ruh=angelic /celestial(malakuti) and nafs =nasooti (lowest of creation).
Ruh=huzoori/presenting yourself infront of Allah.
Duniya =place of test (desires) and ahkirat =place of relaxation.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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