Sufi Secret-Sulook

Sufi Secret, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

sufi secrets 1

Allah chooses for himself whom he wishes(JAZB)  OR  he guides those who turn to him in repentance(SULOOK). Both are from Allah’s grace.

The strength of iman = contact with Allah.

Take knowledge and good deeds from this temporary the prophet the most and fear Allah the most in this world.

When senses are closed (like in sleep) window is opened and man receives impressions from the unseen world and sometimes foreshadowings of the future. His heart is then like a mirror which reflects what is pictured in the Tablet of Fate. But, even in sleep, thoughts of worldly things dull this mirror, so, that the impressions it receives are not clear.

These souls differ from common folk in three ways: (1) what others only see in dreams they see in their waking moments. (2) While others’ wills only affect their own bodies, these, by will-power, can move bodies extraneous to themselves. (3) The knowledge which others acquire by laborious learning comes to them by intuition/ilham.

From the study and contemplation of our own bodies, which reveal to us the power, wisdom, and love of the Creator. For eg–His power, from a mere drop He has built up the wonderful frame of man

Even if any of them do really conquer their passions, they have no right to make such a claim.remember that the Almighty Allah is our  Creator and were his servants/slaves.

“We proposed the burden (i.e., responsibility or free-will or trust ) to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they refused to undertake it. But man took it upon himself: Verily he is ignorant.” So man – sink to the animal level or soar high as angels.

Thought which gives parallel/alternative idea is from shaitan

Thought which totally goes against sharia(against doing good deed) is nafs

Thought which calls towards good(cannot be resist) is from Allah

Waswasas must be ignored at the first instance itself.your accountable for the deeds(verbal/actions) not for waswasas.

The heart needs  invocation/zikr and contemplation/muraqaba
Piecemeal devotion is poor devotion(show istiqamat/steadfastness). Keep doing general astaqfar (don’t dig at previous sins).even if you break repentance again start afresh with sincerity. Try correcting yourself rather than promising.control lust anger etc etc.Check on halaal and haraam .

It is, therefore, desirable that after a solemn resolve one may try to direct one’s attention to the image of the shaykh and begin the invocation of the Supreme Name.

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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