People-Abd e Mukkarram

people, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Abd e mukkarram=open my chest (musa(as)),keep my zikr through out the nations (ibrahim(as)),o Allah ,be pleased with me (ibrahim(as)),I want to see you (musa(as),tajliat e siffat /attributes (musa(as)) ,kalaam e siffat (musa(as)) in alam e khalq(creation) ie mount tur

Tree (siffat e tajliat) and desire for qurb/nearness (adam (as)),mount tur(siffat e tajliat) and desire for kalaam then later for sight.

Abdiat increases with nearness/qurb of Allah and decreases with far away from Allah

Profitable knowledge/ilm e nafae= increases guidance ,taqwa , marifat, qurbiat, amal, good character , humbleness (gained with Allah’s blessings not with our efforts- intention is to please Allah alone)

Hidayat means to seek Allah (qurb) (always start with bismillah for barakah/blessings)s

Adab gives wilayat/qurbiat

Fear of Allah gives qurb/nearness and haya/modesty.

No desires, loves only Allah’s qurb/nearness

Deeds done for self /duniya not for Allah’s sake and to gain his qurb/nearness.

Qurb e elahi (gaining nearness of Allah )removes ahkirat( saza/jaza- reward/punishment)

Increases qurbiat/nearness of Allah= fulfilling rights of Allah and his creation (shariah with steadfastness).

Forgetfully eating something during fasting doesnot invalidate/break the fast so how can eating of adam(as) be considered as sin? Adam(as) was not disobedient .(shaitan whispered taking promise on Allah that you will gain ever nearness eating the fruit) out of love for gaining nearness/qurb of Allah he ate the forbidden was just an omission not a sin.adam(as) was at the station of love. huzoori/presence in front of Allah is is with zaat not with siffat/favours your on earth/skies.

Magfirat/rahmat/qurbiat/fazal its not our rights ,its his wish.

Abdun+abadina=abd e mukkrab (gained qurb/nearness of Allah)

Islah e nafs =gives qurbiat/nearness of Allah

Always mureed/spiritual traveller must aim(iradah/intention) for Allah’s raza/pleasure, his qurb/nearness and his face/beauty  nothing else.

Ruh gives faiz/blessings to the body so that body doesn’t decay with respect to pious people ruh is in illiyin and also same time it gives faiz to the body of barzack(alive).spiritual world is free from direction/space/time/distance etc etc. qurb/nearness doesnot depend on distance.

Painless death,alive, given rizq ie jannati food (neymat) and nayeem (raza/qurb/deedar e elahi),forgiveness is guaranteed,ruh is in jannah and keeps contact with the body.

Ruh is for qurb e elahi (love+knowledge)

For example ramzan=opened jannat(neymat) +closed hell (protection) +shaitan chained(protection) ie sins are erased and good deeds are multiplied.(noor +qurb/nearness to Allah) therefore ramzan gives us a training about environment of jannah.

Seeking gives =sight/deedar e elahi(Always seek Allah’s fazal/grace, pleasure/raza, muhabbat/love, qurb/nearnes etc etc )

Khidmat e deen  gives qurb e elahi /nearness of Allah

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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