haqiqate muhammadi(saws)-kamal
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Likewise, We have sent you (Our) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst yourselves who recites to you Our Revelations and purifies and sanctifies (your hearts and ill-commanding selves) and teaches you the Book and inculcates in you logic and wisdom and enlightens you (on the mysteries of spiritual gnosis and divine truth) which you did not know. 2/151
Reality/ Haqiqate insan= wilayat
Reality/ Haqiqate insan e kamal(perfection)=nabuwat/prophethood
Reality/ Haqiqate insan e kamal e inteha (highest order) =Mustafiyat (ﷺ)
Kamal/prefection of insan =wilayat
Kamal/prefection of wilayat= nabuwat
Kamal/prefection of nabuwat=risalat
Kamal/prefection of risalat=haqiqate muhammadi (ﷺ)
Allah’s zaat was hidden with pardah/veils of siffat(attributes).Allah Ta’ala is free from all human forms. God‘s reason for the creation of this universe = “manifestation” and “recognition” of Himself . Allah’s zaat cannot be comprehended same way you cannot comprehend haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ.
zahir e mustapha ﷺ (creation of mustapha ﷺ)
1. Amr e ibtida = haqiqate muhammadi (noor) ﷺ came into existence
2.Amr e taqleeq=ruh e muhammadi ﷺ came into existence
3.Amr e intazam=jism/body/bashariat e muhammadi ﷺ came into existence
1. Zuhoor of haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ =haqiqat
2. Zuhoor of haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ =nooraniat
3. Zuhoor of haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ =bashariat
Bashariat and ruh=makan(place )
Haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ =makeen(person who stays)
Makeen (allah’s word) in makan(quran)
Makeen(allah’s love/chahat)in makan (mustapha ﷺ)
Iradah/intention is not god.(no concept of hulul)…Allah Ta’ala is free from all human forms.
haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ
1.Kamal/prefection e bashariat(physical)
2.Kamal/prefection e ruhaniat(spiritual)
3.Kamal/prefection e haqqaniat(reality)
1. Examples for his bashariat /physical stature ﷺ
Human sweat smells bad because of excretion but his sweat was fragrance .
Human stools/excreta smells bad but his stools/excreta was fragrance .
No shadow —-Ruh doesnot have saya/shadow .materialistic opaque body has shadow.Shadow is reflection of opaque/solid body.how can sunlight pass through rasoolallah ﷺ when his light is much more subtle/latif than sunlight? Meaning his body/bashariat was more subtle than noor/light (more transparent than materialistic light)
Fly never use to sit on his blessed body (because flies sit on unclean places not on clean places)
2. Examples for his ruhaniat/spirituality/nooraniat ﷺ
Sidratul muntaha is the last stop of nooraniat/ruhaniat because highest of nooraniat is angel jibreal/gabrial(made out of light) as he is the leader of all angels but never went ahead of sidratul muntaha
Buraq/animal used for mehraj was lighting speed .actual speed of light of prophet is faster than buraq
3.examples for haqqaniat/reality ﷺ
He met allah with bashariat+noorniat+haqqaniat
So therefore haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ = prefect reflection/mazhar of allah’s zaat
haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ blesses total creation of allah.
Blessings of allah’s uluviyiat (fullfiller of needs) is through/wasila e haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ(allah gives and nabi ﷺ distributes)
1.reflection of zuhoor of noor e mustapha ﷺ =alaam e ahkirat
2. reflection of zuhoor of noor e mustapha ﷺ =alaam e arwah
3. reflection of zuhoor of noor e mustapha ﷺ =alaam e duniya
reflection of zuhoor of noor e mustapha ﷺ =jannah
devoid of reflection of zuhoor of noor e mustapha ﷺ =jahannum
Good sohbat=spiritual association(muttaqi) ,increases ahkirat and good deeds (for the sake of Allah)
Bad sohbat =worldly association,increases bad deeds and decreases ahkirat (fitna/difficulties)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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