Amr Command-Light First Creation Of Allah
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qādir Jilānī, (d. 561) in his book Sirr al-asrār fi mā yahtāju ilayh al-abrār (pg 12-14)said: Know that since Allāh first created the soul of Muhammad (s) from the light of His beauty, as He said: I created Muhammad from the light of My Face, and as the Prophet said: The first thing Allāh created is my soul, and the first thing Allāh created is the Pen, and the first thing Allāh created is the Intellect – what is meant by all this is one and the same thing, and that is the haqīqa muhammadīyya. However, it was named a light because it is completely purified from darkness, as Allāh said, “There has come to you from Allah a Light and a manifest Book.”It was also named “an intellect” because it is the cause for the transmission of knowledge, and the pen is its medium in the world of letters. The Muhammadan soul (al-rūh al-muhammadīyya) is therefore the quintessence of all created things and the first of them and their origin, as the Prophet said: I am from Allāh and the believers are from me, and Allāh created all souls from me in the spiritual world and He did so in the best form. It is the name of the totality of mankind in that primordial world, and after its creation by four thousand years, Allāh created the Throne from the light of Muhammad himself, and from it the rest of creation.
There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things), (ash-Shūra 42:11)
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a shining star. (This lamp is) kindled from a blessed tree, an olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though no fire touched it. Light upon light. Allah guideth unto His light whom He will. And Allah speaketh to mankind in allegories, for Allah is Knower of all things. (an-Nūr 24: 35)
a Lamp spreading Light, (al-Ahzāb 33:46)
He hath placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light (al-Furqān 25:61).
1.Similitude of His(allah’s) light=zaat e mustapha(according to abdullah ibn abbas(ra))
2.K‘ab al-Āhbar (r) makes the entire verse refer to Muhammad (s)―it is a metaphor of the light of Muhammad. The Messenger of Allāh (s) is the niche, the lamp is prophethood, the glass is his heart, the blessed tree is the revelation and the angels who brought it, the oil are the proofs and evidence which contain the revelation. True scholars and awlīyā’ say that this verse refers to the Prophet (s). Al-Qurtubī: Jam’ li-ahkām al-qur’ān
3. True scholars and awlīyā’ say that this verse refers to the Prophet (s). Al-Qurtubī: Jam’ li-ahkām al-qur’ān
4……the Prophet is the highest of the spiritual lights and other lights are derived from him by virtue of his mediating connection and pivotal rank in the overall sphere of creation. This is also inferred from the tradition, “The first thing Allāh created is my light.” Sharh al-shifā’ (1:505).
5.Al-Khātib Abū al-Rab‘i Muhammad ibn al-Layth in his book Shifā’ al-sudūr says:…….the light of the Throne is from the light of the Prophet (s), the light of the Pen is from the light of the Prophet (s), the light of the Tablet is from the light of the Prophet (s), the light of day, the light of knowledge, the light of the sun and the moon, and the light of vision and sight are all from the light of the Prophet (s). Cited in Ibn al-Hajj al-Abdarī’s (Muhammad ibn Muhammad d. 736) book al-Madkhal from 2:34 of the edition published by Dar al-kitāb al-‘arabī, Beirut.
6.Ibn ‘Abbās (r) said: Verily the spirit of the Prophet (s) was a light in front of Allāh two thousand years before he created Adam. That light glorified Him and the angels joined in its glorification. When Allāh created Adam, he cast that light into his loins. (Suyūtī said in Manāhil al-safa (p. 53 #128): “Ibn Abi ‘Umar al-‘Adanī relates it in his Musnad.” In Takhrīj ahādīth sharh al-mawāqif (p. 32 #12)
Suyūtī cites it with the wording: “The Quraysh were a light in front of Allāh.”
…Allāh created me from light and He created Abū Bakr from my light, and He created ‘Umar and ‘A’isha from the light of Abū Bak(s), and He created the male believers of my community from the light of ‘Umar and He created the female believers of my community from the light of ‘A’isha, Whoever does not love me or love Abū Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘A’isha has no light.( Al-Qurtubī relates in Jam‘ li-ahkām al-qur’ān)
7.Imām as-Suyūtī said in al-Riyād al-aniqa:
A.Light upon light =zaat e mustapha (Conveyor from Allāh of what is enlightening and manifest)
B.“whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though no fire touched it”=zaat e Mustapha (would be known to the people even if he did not say that he was a Prophet, just as that oil would send forth light without a fire.”)
“The night I was delivered my mother saw a light that lit the castles of Damascus so that she could see them.”(al-Hākim in his Mustadrak (2:616-617), Āhmad in his Musnad (4:184), and Bayhaqī in Dalā’il al-nubūwwa (1:110, 2:8).
Muhkamat ayah-everyone knows their meanings
Mutashabihat ayah- selected knows their meanings
Harf e mukatiyat-only Allah and his rasoolﷺ knows.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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