Amr Command-Functioning Of The Universe 2
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Amr/command (functioning of the universe)
….runs the system of creating (everything), planning, command and control. 7/54
……gradually and progressively sustains and nourishes all the worlds.7/54
…Then He established His sovereignty on the Throne (befitting His Glory with His supreme authority, i.e., after the creation of the universe He established His command and control by enforcing His law and system in all the worlds and heavenly bodies). 10/3 … devises strategies for all operations (i.e., makes everything function under a system). 10/3 |
….knows what goes into the earth and what comes out of it, and what descends (or comes forth) from the heavenly bodies or what ascends to (or goes into) them. 57/4 |
And you see the earth completely dry (i.e., dead) and, when We shower water on it, a stir of freshness and fertility runs through it. And it swells enriched, and puts forth in pairs every kind of blooming and beauteous vegetation.22/5 |
On that Day, We shall roll up the (whole) heavenly universe as the written papers are rolled up. The way We created (the universe) the first time, We shall repeat the same process of creation (after its extinction). We have made it binding upon Us to fulfil this promise. We will do (repeat it).21/104 |
….. Who grants you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? ….27/64
….created the heavens and the earth with a decreed celestial order. Surely, there is in this (creation) a sign (of His Oneness and Might) for those who believe.29/44
………have a (meditative and thoughtful) look around: do you find in this (creation) any incongruity or disharmony (i.e., degeneration or falling apart)?67/3
…….created the heavens and the earth (the upper and lower strata of the universe) in six days (i.e., aeons or phases, step by step). 10/3
…..created above you seven paths (i.e., seven magnetic paths or fields, around the vast atmospheric expanse of the planet earth, for the safeguard of the cosmic system)…. 23/17
……later, (after the creation of the planet sun) separated (from it) the earth, flung it with centrifugal force (and spread its expanse to make it inhabitable).79/30 |
…. has subjected to you whatever is in the earth and (also) the vessels that sail in the sea (and rivers) by His command (i.e., law) 22/65 ……withholds the heavens (i.e., spatial spheres and atmospheric fields) from falling on to the earth (under a cosmic system)? But (when He wills, they will collide)by His command.22/65 |
amr/command 1……amr e ibtida/initial(from nothingness to presentness) 2……amr e taqleeq/development(expansion and evolution) 3……..amr e tadbeer /arrangements(Rules and principles for creations to sustain) 4…….amr e fana /iqtiqam/annihiliation/stop(from nothingness to nothingness) |
Zikr e elahi gives satisfaction
Zikr e auliya gives inspiration ,sabr and strengthens iman
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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