Amr Command-Alam e Amr
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
These beings which are not material are called “alam-i amr” (beings of command) because they were created with the single command “Be!”
The building stone of alam-i amr is called “latifa.” Each of the latifas in alam-i amr has a picture, a likeness in man.
Man is composed of ten subtle centers (sing. latifa, pl. lata’if)= qalb, ruh, sirr, khafi, akhfa, nafs + 1(fire ,air, water ,earth(predominates)). If counted that way, then human beings have seven subtle centers.
Fire, Air and Water= “colors” that modify earth.
Mirror = heart of the gnostic (`arif)
Heart is isthmus (barzakh) between the spirit (ruh) and the soul (nafs)
Ruh and nafs fight to take up the position of heart.
The heart comprehends all the knowledge of all the six subtle centers.
It is the heart that contains many
signs from God.
Neither the heavens nor the earth can contain
Me. However, what does contain me is the heart of my faithful servant.
Intellect/aql = concentrates towards God turning its concentration away from the earthly mold.
The six subtle centers separates from body and ascends in the world of command/amr. Then the corporeal body settles in its own station. At that point, this very body becomes the deputy of the six subtle centers and it does all their work .
The realm of God =unqualifiable and non-spatial.
The world of the the spirits =at times qualifiable and unqualifiable, spatial and non-spatial(an intermediary realm between this world and the realm of God)
This world/duniya = qualifiable and spatial.
The world of mumkinat/creatures
1.ALAM E ARWAH(the world of substances)
2.ALAM E MITHAL/BARZACK (between the alam-i arwah and the alam-i ajsad)
3.ALAM E AJSAD(the world of substances)
Remembering Allah = in duniya ,limited period ,with people,for the sake of Allah,angels surround the zakireen,Allah announces forgiveness,people of love and marifat.
Allah remembering his slave= on arsh,un limited period,with angels,implants love in the selected hearts in duniya,entire angelic world starts loving that slave
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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