Bidat-Sub Class

Bidat, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Impermissibility is proven from prohibition on part of the Shariah, not by something merely being new. This rule is deduced from the Quran, Ahadith and rulings of the Fuqahaa.

Rasoolullah (ﷺ)states,Halaal is that which Allah (swt) has made permissible in His Book, and Haraam is that which Allah (swt) has made impermissible in His Book. Whatever He remained silent on is forgiven.Mishkaat, Kitaabul-Atimaa, Baabu Adaabit-Ta ‘aam, Sec 2

Shaami states, “According to the majority of the Hanafi and Shafee scholars, the rule is that permissibility is the nature of things.” Vol.1, Kitaabut-Tahaarat

For innovation, two words are used in Ahadith namely (Muh’dasa) محدثھ and (Bid’aa) بدعھ:

The words Muh’dasa محدثھ and Bid’aa بدعھ are not always used in negative sense. In dictionary meanings, they can be used for any (good or bad) innovation. In this context it is called as Bid’at-e-Lugwi بدعت لغوی (Bid’at in literal or dictionary meaning). The bid’at that has been condemned in the Ahadith is called as Bid’at-e-Shar’ee بدعت شرعی (Bid’at in Islamic Shariah).

Does it literally mean that everything new is misguidance or bad? The answer is “No”. Why? In answer to this question, we may note that there are many similar generalities in the Quran and Hadith (by using the word “Every (کل)”) , all of them admitting of some qualification.

for eg—-it means “every (new) boat”, or “every (serviceable) boat”. Otherwise there was no need to break the boat in order to save it from the king. (18/79)

When Quran says “every hill” while ordering Hazrat Abrahim (AS) in “Take four birds; Tame them to turn to thee; put a portion of them on every hill and call to them”, it means “every hill near by” and NOT “every hill in the world”.

When Quran says “every stratagem” in “lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)”, it means “every stratagem which is feasible for war”. (9/5)

When Quran says “every high place” in “Do ye build a landmark on every high place to amuse yourselves?”, it means “every high place where a landmark is feasible” ( 26/128)

When Quran orders Hazrat Noh (AS) to take “every species with him in “take thou on board pairs of every species”, it does mean a very limited subset of total species on earth. (23/27)

Hadiths uses “every(kull)” to Mean Only a Sub Class

“Truly, this black seed (al-habba al-sawda’) is a cure for every (kull) disease except death.“Narrated from ‘A’isha and Abu Hurayra by Bukhari,Muslim,al-Tirmidhi —-this doesnt means Black seed is literally cure of Every (kull) disease on earth but only a subgroup

“None shall enter Hellfire who prays before sunrise and before sunset.”Narrated from ‘Amara ibn Ru’ayba al-Thaqafi by Muslim, al-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad.This hadith is worded all-inclusively although it is not meant to include those who abandon the prayers of zuhr, maghrib, and ‘isha’.

Every (kull) thing with which a man plays is void except his training of his horse , throwing of arrows and playing with his wife , Quoted in Ihya Uloom ud din by Imam Ghazali (Rah) Vol 2 , Pg 171

Imam Ghazali (Rah) writes : It doesnt means Every thing except above three is unlawful It means want of benefit.To make sweet sounds of birds and to play any other sports for enjoyment is not unlawful [Ihya]

In all of the above quoted verses of Quran the word “Every (کل)” has been used, but its meaning is applicable only to a subclass of it.

When Quran orders “every one” to observe fasts in Ramadhan (2/185) it does make exception of ill and travelers etc.

Similarly by the words “Every Bid’at is misguidance” meant “Every (bad) bid’at (i.e. Bid’at-e-Saa’iya) is misguidance”.

(by using the word “Every (کل)”) to represent only a subclass of it. (This is a well know topic in Ilm-ul-Blagha) In a similar fashion, this Hadith is only talking about bad innovations.

e.g Fiqh , dividing quran into 30 parts, Books of Hadiths like Bukhari, Trimdhi, muslim were all done after centuries

had all innovations would have been bad then Allah would not have said that he would give them Ajr on their invention of Rahbaniyat or to please Allah,i.e. those who practised it faithfully,We rewarded only those who were truly faithful

Hence even Quran proofs that if muslims invent Good biddahs they are given Sawab for it ,regarding word every (kull) in hadith (its used as a subgroup).


When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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