“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Few notes about bidah
Anything which contradicts the
principles of Shariah is Bidat al Dhalalah (innovation of misguidance), whereas
any new good thing which has asal in Quran and Sunnah is called Bidat al
Hasanah (praiseworthy innovation)
All innovations are evil and
all evil are in hell fire, This hadith will be applied for Bidat al Muhrima
(i.e. evil innovations only) not others.[Al
Haytami in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 203].
the new things are to be checked with principles of Shariah. All the above-mentioned Sahaba introduced a new action according to their own Opinions,due to love with Prophet (saw) while they thought these new actions in complete harmony with the principles of Islam.
Paying respect to the signs of Allah and to seek barakah from them is a virtuous act in Islam. Only limitation put by Islam is “Prostration”.
new innovations which are not
in “Harmony” with the principles of religion will be Bidat al Dhalalah
otherwise they will be Bidat al Hassanah.
For innovation, two words are used in Ahadith namely (Muh’dasa) محدثھ and (Bid’aa) بدعھ:
The words Muh’dasa محدثھ and Bid’aa بدعھ are not always used in negative sense. In dictionary meanings, they can be used for any (good or bad) innovation. In this context it is called as Bid’at-e-Lugwi بدعت لغوی (Bid’at in literal or dictionary meaning). The bid’at that has been condemned in the Ahadith is called as Bid’at-e-Shar’ee بدعت شرعی (Bid’at in Islamic Shariah).
there are many similar
generalities in the Quran and Hadith (by using the word “Every (کل)”) , all of them admitting of some
Similarly by the words “Every Bid’at is misguidance” meant “Every (bad) bid’at
(i.e. Bid’at-e-Saa’iya) is misguidance”.
(by using the word “Every (کل)”) to represent only a subclass of it. (This is a well know topic in Ilm-ul-Blagha) In a similar fashion, this Hadith is only talking about bad innovations. regarding word every (kull) in hadith (its used as a subgroup).
A religious work is only that action through which thawaab is attained. Mustahab, Nafil, Waajib and Fardh acts are all regligious works because a person completes them for reward, and any worldly work done with the intention of goodness causes thawaab to be attained.
In short, there is no practice of the Shariah and Tareeqah that doesn’t include Innovation (Bidah).
The innovations of the Sahaaba, Taba’een and Taba-Taba’een are Sunnat. following the Sahaaba is the path to Jannat. Thus, their inventions cannot be labeled “Bidat”. the actions of the Sahaaba are Bidat-e-Hasana. The sayings and actions of the Sahaaba have been called Sunnat according to the literal meaning of the word (i.e.”O Muslims! Follow my methods and the methods of my Khulafaa.” Sunnat means manner.
the inventions of the Pious Predecessors are called Sunnat-e-Salaf Here, the word Sunnat refers to its literal meaning (i.e. an approved and liked religious practice).
Sunnat in these ayats(17/77,48/23) and Ahadith do not refer to the Sunnat of Shariah that is in opposition to Innovation. Rather, it refers to method. Hence, ‘Sunnatullah’ means method of Allah (ﷻ ) etc.
reviving any Good practice
which is in coherence with Quran and Shariah, It can be a Sunnah which sahabas
(Ra) revived or salafs revived or can be any other good practice within laws of
Safeguarding islam iman ihsan—-1.Ibadate e ilahi(ﷻ ) 2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) 3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra) 4.Azmat e sahaba(ra) 5.Sohbate auliya(ra)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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