
Bidat, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


“Actions are based on intentions and a person attains for whatever he intended.” (mishkat)

Mulla Ali Qaari(ra)writes, “It has been narrated from Hadrat Ibn Abbas (ra), “An action that is deemed to be good by Muslims is also good according to Allah ().

A marfoo Hadith states, “My Ummah will not agree upon deviance.” ­Mirqaat; Baabul-Itisaam .

Durre-Mukhtaar states, “Mustahab is an action which the Holy Prophet (ﷺ)sometimes did and sometimes didn’t, or an action deemed to be good by the past Muslims.” Vol. 1, Discussion on the Preferred (mustahabaat) of Wudhu

Shaami states, Because good intentions make habits and actions to become acts of worship (ibaadat).,, Vol. 5, Discussion on Qurbaani

Durre-Mukhtaar, Baabul-Azaan, states that reciting Salaam after the Azaan was introduced in 781 AH but this is a Good Innovation (Bidat-e-Hasana).


Imaan – The Imaan-e-Mujmal and Imaan-e-Mufasal. These categorizations of Imaan as well as both of their names are Innovations.

Kalima – All Muslims learn and memorize the six Kalimas. These, along with their number, progression (i.e. the first, second, etc.) and names are all Innovations.

Quran – Dividing the Holy. Quran into 30 chapters, appointing Rukus in it, placing zabar, zer and pesh, binding and printing it by press are all Innovations.

Uloom e hadith/usoole e hadith- the entire science of Hadith is an Innovation.

Usoole-Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)& Usoole-Kalaam (principles of Scholastic Theology) – These two Sciences are also Innovations

Namaaz – To say the intention of namaaz by mouth is an Innovation and is unfound in the Quroon-e- Thalaatha, and so is it to be constant in 20 Rakaats of Taraweeh during Ramadaan. Even Hadrat Umar(ra)said, concerning Taraweeh, ‘This is a good Innovation.”

Fasting – Saying the dua “Allahuma laka sumtu and “Allahuma Asooma laka at the time the lftaar and Sehri respectively are all Innovations.

Zakaat – Giving out Zakaat in today’s currency of coins and notes is an Innovation.

Fitra- To deduce Fitrah of grains in the form of present coins is also an Innovation.

Hajj – To travel by car, train, bus and airplane to perform Hajj or going to Arafat by cars and taxis are all Innovations.

The Four Silsilas (Spiritual Chains or Orders) – Both the Shariah and the Tareeqah have four major Silsilas each, i.e. Hanafi, Shafee, Maliki and Hanbali (related to the Shariah) and Qadiri, Chishti, Naqshbandi and Suharwardi (related to the Tareeqah). All of these are Innovations. Some of their names are not even in Arabic (Chishti and Naqshbandi). No Sahaabi or Tabi’een was a Hanafi or Qadiri.

Where is it written that fees for Nikah should be given? same way “The garland is used for a joyous occasion.”

Now, the question the Misguided group is need to answer is, can they claim to be alive on the deen and reject the above Innovations? When even the Kalima and Iman are comprised of Innovations, how can they save themselves from it?

These Ahadith and extracts of Fiqh prove that any permissible action that is completed with the intention of thawaab, or a deed deemed by Muslims to be full of reward, is also an action of thawaab in the sight of Allah (). So, whatever they testify to be good is acceptable and whatever they deem to be bad isn’t acceptable.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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