“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Bidat-e-I’tiqaadi(innovation in belief) AND Bidat-e-Amali(innovation in practice)
Safeguarding islam iman ihsan—-1.Ibadate e ilahi(ﷻ) 2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) 3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra) 4.Azmat e sahaba(ra) 5.Sohbate auliya(ra)
Bid’ah, literally means innovation/new thing. In general usage of speech we say bidat (verbally/ Logaviyya) for innovation/newthing
Bidat-e-I’tiqaadi(innovation in belief) AND Bidat-e-Amali(innovation in practice)
Bidat-e-l’tiqaadi (Innovation in Belief) —are those false beliefs that were produced in Islam after The Holy Prophet (ﷺ).
For eg- Once, someone came to Hadrat Ibn Umar and said, “[So-and-so] has sent you Salaam.” He replied, “I have information that he has become an Innovator (Bidati). If this is truly the case, do not convey my Salaam to him.” Mishkaat, Baabu/-Imaan bil-Qadr.We can deduce that the person who sent the Salaam was from the Qadriya (he rejected the concept of fate (taqdir).
Durr-e-Mukhtaar states, “Namaaz performed behind an Innovator (Bidati) Imam is makrooh. Innovation (Bidat) is harboring that belief against the beliefs known from The Holy Prophet (ﷺ).” Kitaabus-Salaah, Baab ndlbul-lmaamat .
Bidat applies to innovated as well as bad beliefs, and all of the strong warnings of punishment mentioned in the Ahadith concerning Innovation and Innovators are towards Bidat-e-I’tiqaadiya.
The Holy Prophet (ﷺ)states, “He who shows respect to an Innovator (Bidati) has helped in decimating Islam {i.e. one who has the Bidat-e-I’tiqaadia/belief).
Bidat-e-Amali(innovation in practice)—-is every action and doing that was produced after the time of Rasoolullah (ﷺ), irrespective of whether it is religious (deeni) or worldly, during or after the time of the Sahaaba(ra)
Hasana (Good Innovation- doesn’t go against any Sunnah) and Sayyia (Bad Innovation- contrary to a Sunnat or ruins it or against quran n sunnah)
Good Innovation (bidat e hasana)is of three kinds: permissible (jaaiz), preferable (mustahab) and compulsory (waajib).
e.g. gatherings ofMadrassahs, exotic and new foods, printing the Quran and religious books, etc. Bidat-e-Hasana is permissible. Rather, it is preferable (mustahab) and even compulsory (Waajib) at times. Bidat-e-Hasana is the innovation that doesn’t go against any Sunnat.
Ashiatul-Lam’aat states, “The Innovation that is in conformity to the principles and laws (of the Shariah) and Sunnah and which Qiyaas is made with is known as Bidat-e-Hasana. Whatever is against the above is known is a deviant Innovation.” – Vol. 1, Baabul-Itisaam.
“He who initiates a good practice in Islam receives its reward. The reward of those who act upon it will also be attained by the initiator, with none of their thawaab being decreased. He who initiates a bad practice in Islam accumulates its sin and the sin of those who act upon it. Their sin will also not be lessened.” – Miskhaat, Kitaabul-Ilm
We can deduce from this that inventing a good practice in Islam is a means of reward, and innovating a bad one causes sin to be accumulated.
The Innovation produced by a nation causes the Sunnah of the same proportion to be lifted. Hence, holding on to the Sunnah is better than introducing an Innovation. Mishkaat, Baabut-Itisaam, Sec 3
Now follows proof of the Good Innovation (Bidat-e-Hasana).
57/27 (rahbaniat/seclusion) This ayat proves that the Christians produced a Good Innovation, i.e. abstinence from the world. Allah (swt) praised them for this and even rewarded them for it. Yes, He rebuked those who could not accomplish it. Rebuke was not made for bringing about something new, but for not fulfilling it. Good Innovation is something excellent and a means of reward. However, not keeping to it is bad. The Holy Prophet states that continuance in something makes that affair the best. For this reason, Muslims should complete hosting Meelads, etc. regularly.
A Bad Innovation is that which erases a Sunnah. Both Good and Bad Bidats should be properly understood and recognized.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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