Awliya -Urs Ghilaf

Awliya, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



Ghilaf or Chadar (cloth) is placed on the grave of a Wali or pious Muslim for the benefit of the visitors so that they may understand and realise the status of the deceased Muslim

Chaadars are placed on the grave of the Aulia Allah. This is an act of Sunnah.

After the demise of the Prophet (saws) a sahaabiyah came to Sayyida Ayesha Siddiqah (R.A.) and requested her to show the grave of the Prophet (saws). Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah (R.A.) then raised a Gilaf (sheet of fabric) from the grave of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (saws). The sahaabiyah became very, very emotional, wept beyond control, finally collapsed and passed away. (Baihaqi Shareef)

Imam Sumhudi in his book “wafa al wafa biakhbaar dar al mustafa” vol2, pg 582 quotes Imam Ibn Rushd who in his bayaan says that Imam Malik (r) disliked the grave of Prophet(saw) being left open and that he considered by analogy to the Kaaba which has a kiswa over it, that it is permitted to have a cloth over the grave because if the Kaaba deserves the respect then surely the grave of the Prophet(saw) deserves the respect in the eyes of the people.

Fatawa Shami, Volume 5. The Chapter on Libaas also states that it is good to place Chaadar on graves of Aulia Allah.

“It is permissible to place a cloth on the Qabar of a Wali or pious Muslim so that visitors be more respectful when visiting the grave. We should also realise that the basis of action is upon the intention”.(raddul mukhtaar)

In the time of Rasooullah(saws)the Kaaba was covered with the Ghilaaf and he didn’t prohibited this.

There is even a covering on  the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim (the stone on which Hadrat Ibrahim (as) stood to build the Holy Kaaba).

for the reverence of the Friends of Allah(swt), it is preferred (Mustahab) to place sheets/ghilaf.

There is an expensive black Ghilaaf over the Holy Kaaba and a green mantle over the Rauza of the Holy Prophet(saws).

Their graves are covered with a Ghilaaf just as we cover the Quran and Kaabah with Ghilaaf. The heart of a believer is the throne of Allah (Hadith). Even up to this day the walls housing the grave the Prophet (saws) is laden with Ghilaaf bearing Kalima Sharief and other Quranic verses which can be seen clearly from the outside also. This Sunnah is in practice from the days of the sahaaba.

The Fuqahaa e Kiraam have stated that the intentions behind covering the graves of Aulia Allah is love and respect for their spiritualized souls.

It also displays recognition of the achievement and success of the departed soul.

It also dawns on the observer that this is the grave of a beloved of Allah who has reached the ultimate goal of nearness to Allah.

The Fuqaahae Kiraam (Islamic jurists) have stressed that chaadars should not be placed on the graves of the general Muslim public.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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