Awliya -Nazr

Awliya, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Imam Bukhari (ra)states that Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar used to read namaaz on the path wherever the Holy Prophet(ﷺ)sometimes performed ibaadat. At some of these places, Musjids were even built. However, some were erroneously built not at the actual places of’ Rasooullah’s (ﷺ)ibaadat. Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar ra would never read namaaz in these Musjids and only perform ibaadat in the correct ones. “فلم یکن عبداللہ ابن عمر یصلی فی ذلک المسجد کان یترکہ عن یسارہ” – Bukhari Sharif, Vol. I, Kitaabus-Salaab, Baabu/-Masaajid Alatt fi Tareeqil-Madina .This was entirely to attain barkat.

Even today some Haajis go to the Cave of Hira, wherein Rasooullah(ﷺ)made ibaadat for six months, to make Salaah. Therefore, performing Salaah in the ibaadat quarters of Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaaz etc, visiting and believing in them to be blessed is proven from the Sunnah of the Sahaabah.

Rule- The vow (nazar) made on the name of the Friends of Allah(swt)is not a vow of Shariah. Rather, it is literal, i.e. a Nazaraana, or ‘tribute’. For example, if a person says to his teacher, “This is a gift (nazar) for you,” it is completely permissible.

The vow of Shariah (Shar”i Nazar) is an act of worship and to accept it for anyone besides Allah(swt)is without doubt infidelity (kufr).

Rather, it means, “I will feed in charity (sadaqah) for the sake of Allah(swt)and shall present you with whatever reward 1 attain for it.

 “The wording of a vow (nazar) is for the worship of Allah(swt), and the needy who remain at the grave of the Shaikh are its recipients.” – Kitaabus-Saum, Discussion of Amwaat This is permissible.

So, understand that this sadaqah is for Allah(swt)its reward is a gift to the soul of the Shaikh and the recipients of this reward are the needy and attendants at the grave of the Shaikh.

An example of this is that the mother of Sayyidah Maryam said, “O Allah(swt)! Whatever child I carry in my womb! Vow (nazar) for you. The child will be dedicated to the service of Baitul­Muqaddas.” The vow was for Allah(swt)and the recipient was Baitul-Muqaddas-Surah Aale-1mran, Verse 35

Swearing an oath on the name of other than Allah(swt)is prohibited according to the Shariah. However, the Quran itself and the Prophet(ﷺ)” took oaths on other than Allah(swt)). “والتین والزیتون و طور سینین” 95/1-2 The Holy Prophet(ﷺ)has said, “Oath on his father, he has attained success.” -Meaning that an oath (qasam) on which the commands of it such as Kafaarah, etc. can be emplaced is not to be made on anyone besides Allah(swt). However, a literal oath, which is only to emphasize speech, is allowed. This is also the state of Nazar.

Once, a person made a vow to send oil for the lamps of Baitul-Muqaddas. The Messenger (ﷺ)said to him, “Complete this vow.”

Another person vowed to sacrifice a camel in a place called Bawaana.Rasooullah(ﷺ)said, “Complete your vow if there is no idol, etc. there.” – Mishkaat, Baabu-Nuzoor

The Prophet(ﷺ)once said to someone who vowed to read Namaaz in Baitul-­Muqaddas, “Perform Salaah in the Musjid-e-Haraam.”

Some women made a vow that if the Holy Prophet(ﷺ)returned safely from the Battle of Uhud, they would beat duffs before him.” – Mishkaat, Baahu Manaaqibil-Umar

An example of this is that the mother of Sayyidah Maryam said, “O Allah(swt)! Whatever child I carry in my womb! Vow (nazar) for you. The child will be dedicated to the service of Baitul­Muqaddas.” The vow was for Allah(swt)and the recipient was Baitul-Muqaddas,3/35

The word ‘Nazar’ has two meanings -, literal and Shar”i. The literal usage of it for the pious elders is permissible, just as how the word ‘Tawaaf has two meanings. Literally, it means moving around and, according to the Shariah, it means as per the Holy Quran. “Making Tawaaf of the ancient house” 22/29 Here, the Shar’i usage of Tawaaf is meant. Allah(swt)also states, “یطوفون بینھا و بین حمیم ان” 55/44In this verse, the literal usage of Tawaaf is meant (i.e. to move around).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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