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Awliya, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


To Call the Auliyah ALLAH



This world is the reflection of the Hereafter and the affairs and gesture as to how the affairs of the Hereafter occur. That is why the Quran has proven Hashr, Nashr and Allah’s (swt)Divinity through worldly examples.

For example, it states that greenery begins to appear when rain falls to the dry earth. This is shown to teach us how lifeless bodies will be given life again.

It is also said that when you dislike having a partner over your slaves, why then do you accept idols to be partners over Allah’s (swt)governance?

Allah (swt) has power to do and complete every minor and major task of His dominion Himself but doesn’t, choosing rather to appoint angels, etc. over the running of the world -and giving them separate factions and departments, e.g. the department of taking away life is run by Hadrat Izraa’il (as)(the Angel of Death).

To sum up, many affairs of the world and Hereafter have been allocated and distributed amongst angels.

Hadrat Jibraeel (as) said to Sayyidah Maryam(ra) “O Maryam! I am a Messenger of your Rubb and have come to give you a pure son,” 19/19 From this, it is known that Hadrat Jibraeel (as) gives children.

Hadrat Esa(as)said, “I shall create for you the appearance of a bird from sand, and when I blow in it, it will become a bird by the command of Allah (swt). 3/49 .This proves that Hadrat Esa(as) can give life to the lifeless by Allah’s (swt)permission .

“Say, “The Angel of Death will give you the death that has been appointed to you,”  32/11

There are many ayats like these in which Divine works have been attributed to the servants.

“My Beloved (ﷺ)purifies then and teaches them the Book and wisdom.” 3/164

‘They have been made wealthy by Allah (swt)and His Rasool (ﷺ)through His grace.”-9/74

We know from the above verses that the Prophet (ﷺ)” purifies people from every kind of impurity and makes the poor wealthy.

“Take sadaqah from their wealth and cleanse them with it.- 9/103

Thus, it can be ascertained that only the amal which is willed in the court of Rasoolullah (ﷺ)is accepted in Allah’s (swt)presence.

“And it would have been good if they were content with what Allah (swt)His Rasool (ﷺ), gave to them, and if they said, “Allah (swt)is sufficient for us. Now Allah (swt)and His Rasool (ﷺ)will grant us from His bounties.” – 9/59

We know from this that the Holy Prophet (ﷺ)” bestows. It is proven from these ayats that if a person says, “Rasoolullah (ﷺ)gives us respect, wealth and children,” it is correct because these ayats have illustrated this.

“And if these sinners who have been oppressive upon themselves come to you (O Prophet (ﷺ)), ask Allah (swt)for forgiveness and you also supplicate for their forgiveness; then Allah (swt)will be found to be accepting of repentance and merciful.” 4/64

However, the intent will be that these blessed people are the officials of the Divine control. Allah (swt)has given to them and they give to us. Likewise, asking the Prophets and Saints for help in problems is similar to the servant of a king asking for assistance from the doctor or judge in their respective need.

“Find a medium (waseela) to your Rubb.” 5/35.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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