Ahle Baith-Sahaba

Ahle baith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ahle baith(as) and sahaba (as)

Kamal e taharat /highest of purity =ahle baith (wives of the prophet +hz ali(as),hz fathima(sa) ,hz hasan(as),hz hussain(as))

Praising ahle baith is iman.

Aqidah e ahle sunnat is to speak about quran and ahlebaith together.

Aqidah e ahle sunnat is to speak about prophet’s love,adab,taleem and helping his deen together.


Quran =ahle baith  and ittrat e prophet=ahle baith

Quran =rope of Allah.

Quran and Ahle baith reach hauz e kousar.

Quran is not equal to other books same way ahle baith are not equal to others.

Rope of Allah=quran=ahle baith.

Quran=marifat =ahle baith

Doubting on ahle baith(haqq) =doubting on quran=doubtful iman.

Decreasing status of ahle baith=decreasing status of quran=decrease iman.

Karbala doesnot depend on result ,it depend on haqq/truth.

Never equate any one with ahle baith’s status.

Be loyal with ahle baith.

Sign of sirate mustaqim

1.following quran and ahle baith

2.following quran and sunnah of the prophet

3. following sunnah of the prophet and the sunnah of the sahaba


1.enemies of ahle baith

2.misquoting quranic verses

3.equating sahaba (ra) {except siddiq o umar o usman (ra)} with the status of ahle baith (Thinking haqq is on both the sides)


1.Rejected the pious order of khilafat(pious sahaba)

2. they don’t give status of sahaba to some .

3.they think some sahaba didn’t recognised due rights of ahle baith.

Shia/followers (ahle sunnat wal jamaat)

1. lovers of ahle baith

2.respect sahaba

3. beleive haqq/truth is with ahle baith.

4. ahle baith are defenders of deen.

5.ahle baith are fountains of knowledge.

6.wilayat is from ahle baith

7.zaahir khilafat (khulafa e rashideen ) , baatin khilafat (ahle baith) and other sahaba’s were granted khilafat of guidance

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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