“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Amal/deeds are based on niyyat and niyyat is action of heart(Allah doesn’t see your faces ,he sees your heart meaning haal/state of heart).
Nafs and ruh fight for occupying heart .when ruh occupies heart your noorani/englightened because ruh is light and when nafs occupies heart your hywani/animal because nafs is dark .
Bodily ibadat is based on qalbi haal/state for acceptance .
Haqq/truth is with people of haal/state and maqam/station =awliya /sufiya.
Ulema are divided based on their individual opinions because of their nafs getting involved in their teachings
Sufiya /awliya they don’t bring their nafs in between their teachings .
Fiqh – tariqa= misguidance.
Tariqat –fiqh =heretic
Haqq/truth =shariat +tariqat.
(Just keep doing it for the pleasure of Allah and ignore waswas/temptations of shaitan).
Day =meaning love (jalwat/association)
Night =meaning love (khalwat/solitude)
Night = munajat(expressing) +mulakhat (meeting) the lord
Auliya /sufiya love night as it brings solitude ,expression and meeting with lord.
Heart must be filled with Allah (no space for creation for ex-status/love/wealth etc).Allah’s love must control all this .heart always connected with Allah 24/7.be in the world but don’t keep duniya in your heart.be like traveler.
Spiritual journey/sulook =eternal happiness
Starts with correct aqidah +taubah+good huqooqul ibad +spiritual knowledge
Those who didn’t travelled because of
1.ignorance/opposite to truth
2.inability (didn’t practice shariat)
3.carnal desires(diseases of heart)
4.travelled but mislead (greatest losers)-no murshid/guide and no ilm e nafae
No duniya in his heart .
His silsila/chain goes back to prophetﷺ .
He is from ahle sunnat wal jammat.
Has marifat/knowledge of discipling the soul.
awakens the mislead people by Cleansing their hearts (treating diseases of heart) and fill the heart with ahklaq/colours of Allah.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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