Khalifat Ur Rasool

Khilafat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Khalifat ur rasool

Allah’s caliphs=prophets /messengers(khalifattullah-ended with last prophet ﷺ)

Rasool’s caliphs =awliya allah /pious (khalifattur rasool)

(spread aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat and ahklaq e hasana of sufi/pious people)

Human =Collection of all alams/worlds(arwah/shahadat/barzack/hashr)

Alaam e shahadat=materialistic world (can be seen)

Alaam e ghaib/unseen =cannot be seen

Body =alaam e shahadat AND ruh=alaam e ghaib

Alaam e bast/lower world=below chest area  AND  alaam e bala/higher world =above chest area.

Alaam e shahadat=alaam e bast+alaam e bala

Body=mud, temperature=fire, blood-lymph=water, breathing=air

Alaam e ghaib/unseen =siffat e elahi +ruh+angels+wahy etc etc

Insan =Zaahir/alaam e shahadat(body) +baatin/alaam e bala(ruh)

Two ruh’s cannot be in 1 body same way 2 gods cannot exist (they will fight for dominance)

Allah=alone creates and cherishes the worlds

World is running because of allah’s hikmat(wisdom)/tadbeer(arrangement)/tawajjua(concentration)

Ruh’s concentration is on the body AND allah’s concentration is on the creation.

Presence  of ruh(cannot be seen)= body operates AND presence of allah(cannot be seen) =entire worlds operates.

Ruh is caged inside body  AND allah’s siffats/attributes and wujoodh are present in the creation (zaat of allah cannot be comprehended)

Ruh =subtle (cannot be perceived /haqiqat) AND allah ‘s zaat =cannot be perceived/haqiqat.

Allah creator of ruhs/souls and angels

Higher spirit/self=ruh AND lower spirit/self =nafs

HEART=battle ground for nafs and ruh

Nafs=servant of ruh but because of worldy connection started dictating the ruh.

Heart is alive because of ruh AND ruh is alive because of sohbat e rasoolﷺ


Seeks materialistic world/alaam e khalq

Kasir/heavy weight

Settles with lower world

Smallest phase of human life


Ruh/soul (higher is soul –lower is nafs)

Alaam e bala/haqiqat


Wants to go to higher world

Seeks qurb/deedar e elahi

Alam e arwah/souls

Free from travel /distance/weight/mass etc

Ruh sees without hinderance.


Brain is controlled by heart

Heart is controlled by ruh

ruh is controlled by amr/command of allah.

Allah gave functional knowledge of universe to humans

Human=ilm/knowledge +himmat/strength (using hikmat/wisdom)

IBADAT (brings simplicity/no duniya in the heart)

Ibadat =taluq/association

Namaz=afzal ibadat requires qiblah/direction


Hajj=tawajjau e kaaba/hijrat e duniya AND heart=tawajjua e rab e kaaba

Haj=hijrat e duniya(no love for materialistic world)

Zakat=tazkiya e nafs (no love for money)

Roza/saum=protection from sins(no love for life)

Namaz/salah=collection of all ibadat(tasbih/takbir/tahleel/shahadat/darood o salaam/quran etc etc)

Trees =standing (qiyam)

Animals=bending (ruku)



Birds=changing up/down(rakats)

Stars/planets=rotation at commom point(repeating HU)

Angels=line by line(jamaat)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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