Amr Command-Alaams

Amr Command, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


36/82-83. His command (of creation) is only that when He intends (to create) something, He says to it: ‘Be,’ so it instantly becomes (existent or visible and continues becoming).

Creation came into existence because of love .


Iradah/chahat is not allah same way haqiqate muhammadi is not allah.

Iradah is a veil/pardah

Iradah =haqiqate muhammadi

Iradah =alaam e amr/command

Fail/action of allah(kun)=fa yakun(haqiqate muhammadi)

Allah is noor of skies and earth ,misal/similarity of allah’s noor =noor e mustapha (asal/actual).You will not find similarity/misal of zaat e elahi

Husn e uluviyat=husn e mustapha (kousar)

Wahdat(allah alone)=kasrat/enormous is mustapha

Anbiya/prophets  have kasrat ,muhammad has kousar(highest point after kasrat)

Wahadat (maqam e elahi)=kasrat (maqam e mustapha)

Wahadat (husn e elahi)-kasrat ends at kousar-wahadat (husn e mustapha)

Entire creation is under kasrat/enormous.

Baatin –ahmed and zahir-muhammad


Hammaad=ummate mustapha


1……amr e ibtida/initial(from nothingness to presentness)

2……amr e taqleeq/development(expansion and evolution)

3……..amr e tadbeer /arrangements(Rules and principles for creations to sustain)

4…….amr e fana /iqtiqam/annihiliation/stop(from nothingness to nothingness)

Kull/complete insan=insaniyat

Shai/creation= single creation

Total collection of species=alaam

Total collection of souls =alaam e arwah

Total collection of jism/bodies=alaam e ajsam

Total collection of insan=alaam e insan /insaniyat

Total collection of jinnat=alaam e jinn

Total collection of angels=alaam e malaika

Total collection of skies= samawat

Total collection of earth= alaam e arzi

Total collection of matter=alaam e madiyat(materialistic world)

Total collection of stones=alaam e jamadat

Total collection of plants =alaam e nabadat

Total collection of animals=alaam e hywanat

Total collection of earth and skies=alaam e makan

Arsh ,kursi,lawh o kalaam=alaam e la makan

Materialistic world=alaam e nasoot

Angelic world =alaam e malakut

Celestial world =alaam e jabrut

Where all the alaams end(no alaam) =alaam e lahoot

Every creation/shai makes alaam

1.Alam-i-HaHoot (Realm of He-ness)/ Ahdiyat(Alonehood)————-allah is alone

2.Alam-i-Yahoot (Realm of First Manifestation)/ Wahdat (Oneness)—– a being in the form of Noor of Mohammad who worships Allah. Allah created reality/haqiqat e muhammadi from the light of his Face(beauty).

3.Alam-i-LaHoot (Realm of Absolute Unity)/ Wahdiyat (Unity)— creation is hidden in Noor-e-Mohammad(the soul of Mohammad is manifested) The first thing Allāh created is my soul(quintessence of all created things and the first of them and their origin ) / Pen (medium in the world of letters ) /  Intellect(transmission of knowledge) – what is meant by all this is one and the same thing, and that is the haqīqa muhammadīyya(it was named a light because it is completely purified from darkness)

4.Alam-e-Jabrut (Realm of Power/omnipotency/humans with soul)— divine attributes of ruh e qudsi(divine soul/ruh e muhammadi) got divided into souls of human being.

5.Alam-e-Malakut (Realm of Intelligence/angelic/humans with heart)– soul adopted beastal qualities like lust,greed, covet etc

6.Alam-i-Nasut (Realm of Physical bodies/humans with nafs)— physical world of material bodies(visible cosmos)

Every creation is enclosed/wrapped with allah’s mercy (unlimited).

(rabul alameen)Allah’s mercy =rahmatulil alameen (hazrat muhammed mustapha )

Creation enclosed in alaam –alaam is enclosed in mercy (prophet muhammed)

Every creation came into existence because of allah’s mercy

First mercy then creation (kun fa yakun)

Haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ=mercy

Haqiqate muhammadi is kull/complete and Creation is juzz

(mercy )Haqiqate muhammadi is even before kun/be

Negation of qudrat/power of Allah =atheism

Negation of muajiza/miracle of prophet=kufr/disbelief

Negation of karamat of wali=jahalat/ignorance.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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