Amr Command-Alaams
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
36/82-83. His command (of creation) is only that when He intends (to create) something, He says to it: ‘Be,’ so it instantly becomes (existent or visible and continues becoming).
Creation came into existence because of love .
Iradah/chahat is not allah same way haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ is not allah.
Iradah is a veil/pardah
Iradah =haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ
Iradah =alaam e amr/command
Fail/action of allah(kun)=fa yakun(haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ)
Allah is noor of skies and earth ,misal/similarity of allah’s noor =noor e mustapha ﷺ (asal/actual).You will not find similarity/misal of zaat e elahi
Husn e uluviyat=husn e mustapha ﷺ (kousar)
Wahdat(allah alone)=kasrat/enormous is mustapha ﷺ
Anbiya/prophets have kasrat ,muhammad ﷺ has kousar(highest point after kasrat)
Wahadat (maqam e elahi)=kasrat (maqam e mustapha ﷺ)
Wahadat (husn e elahi)-kasrat ends at kousar-wahadat (husn e mustapha ﷺ)
Entire creation is under kasrat/enormous.
Baatin –ahmed and zahir-muhammad ﷺ
Hamd,hameed,mahmood=mustapha ﷺ
Hammaad=ummate mustapha
1……amr e ibtida/initial(from nothingness to presentness)
2……amr e taqleeq/development(expansion and evolution)
3……..amr e tadbeer /arrangements(Rules and principles for creations to sustain)
4…….amr e fana /iqtiqam/annihiliation/stop(from nothingness to nothingness)
Kull/complete insan=insaniyat
Shai/creation= single creation
Total collection of species=alaam
Total collection of souls =alaam e arwah
Total collection of jism/bodies=alaam e ajsam
Total collection of insan=alaam e insan /insaniyat
Total collection of jinnat=alaam e jinn
Total collection of angels=alaam e malaika
Total collection of skies= samawat
Total collection of earth= alaam e arzi
Total collection of matter=alaam e madiyat(materialistic world)
Total collection of stones=alaam e jamadat
Total collection of plants =alaam e nabadat
Total collection of animals=alaam e hywanat
Total collection of earth and skies=alaam e makan
Arsh ,kursi,lawh o kalaam=alaam e la makan
Materialistic world=alaam e nasoot
Angelic world =alaam e malakut
Celestial world =alaam e jabrut
Where all the alaams end(no alaam) =alaam e lahoot
Every creation/shai makes alaam
1.Alam-i-HaHoot (Realm of He-ness)/ Ahdiyat(Alonehood)————-allah is alone
2.Alam-i-Yahoot (Realm of First Manifestation)/ Wahdat (Oneness)—– a being in the form of Noor of Mohammad who worships Allah. Allah created reality/haqiqat e muhammadi from the light of his Face(beauty).
3.Alam-i-LaHoot (Realm of Absolute Unity)/ Wahdiyat (Unity)— creation is hidden in Noor-e-Mohammad(the soul of Mohammad is manifested) The first thing Allāh created is my soul(quintessence of all created things and the first of them and their origin ) / Pen (medium in the world of letters ) / Intellect(transmission of knowledge) – what is meant by all this is one and the same thing, and that is the haqīqa muhammadīyya(it was named a light because it is completely purified from darkness)
4.Alam-e-Jabrut (Realm of Power/omnipotency/humans with soul)— divine attributes of ruh e qudsi(divine soul/ruh e muhammadi) got divided into souls of human being.
5.Alam-e-Malakut (Realm of Intelligence/angelic/humans with heart)– soul adopted beastal qualities like lust,greed, covet etc
6.Alam-i-Nasut (Realm of Physical bodies/humans with nafs)— physical world of material bodies(visible cosmos)
Every creation is enclosed/wrapped with allah’s mercy (unlimited).
(rabul alameen)Allah’s mercy =rahmatulil alameen (hazrat muhammed mustapha ﷺ)
Creation enclosed in alaam –alaam is enclosed in mercy (prophet muhammed ﷺ)
Every creation came into existence because of allah’s mercy
First mercy then creation (kun fa yakun)
Haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ=mercy
Haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ is kull/complete and Creation is juzz
(mercy )Haqiqate muhammadi ﷺ is even before kun/be
Negation of qudrat/power of Allah =atheism
Negation of muajiza/miracle of prophet=kufr/disbelief
Negation of karamat of wali=jahalat/ignorance.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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